With every passing day, the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 inches closer. To hold us over, pod2g has been great about releasing updates and details revolving around his progress.
His latest blog post answers questions that have undoubtedly been on the minds of many who are highly anticipating the jailbreak. For starters, how and why does he have a jailbreak, yet the dev teams have yet to release it to the public?
The exploit I used to inject the untethering files to the 4S relies on having a developer account, and can’t be released publicly.
It’s the same reason why @MuscleNerd has an iPad 2 tethered jailbreak but couldn’t distribute it.
So, we need to find a distributable exploit to remount the system partition read/write and to set Corona files at the correct places.
But that’s not all; pod2g also touches on reasons why the A4 jailbreak was easier to achieve than the A5 jailbreak. As always, it’s an interesting read. Head over to pod2g’s blog and check it out.