Last week, Saurik announced that Cydia has been installed on over 14 million unique devices running on iOS 6 or higher. And a large portion of those devices were likely jailbroken using the evasi0n jailbreak tool.
A couple days ago, the evad3rs posted a quiet update for that tool. The update brings the app to version 1.5.1, and includes an updated Cydia package list, which, correct me if I’m wrong, should improve its loading time…
Newcomers will definitely want to use this new version of evasi0n. But if your devices are already jailbroken, there’s no reason to re-jailbreak. The updated Cydia package list is the only item mentioned in the change log.
For those that do need to jailbreak, you can find evasi0n 1.5.1 on our Downloads page. And if you need help, or could just use a refresher, make sure to check out our tutorials. We have guides for both PC and Mac users.
As of now, all iOS devices running iOS 6 or later are jailbreakable. But it looks like that could change with the next update, as planetbeing noted last week that the iOS 6.1.3 beta includes a patch for one of evasi0n’s exploits.