Exigency is a new a jailbreak tweak that allows you to load up your contacts directly from the iPhone’s emergency call menu. That means that it’s totally possible to initiate a phone call from this menu, even when your phone is locked with a passcode.
Obviously, this isn’t the type of tweak to use if your primary concern is security. If convenience is more your thing, then you may want to check out Exigency.
Exigency features a preference pane, but the only thing it contains in it is a simple kill switch. With Exigency enabled, simply tap your “Emergency Call” button on your iPhone after using slide to unlock (your passcode must be enabled). Once you do, you’ll notice a new button for Call Contact. Tapping that button loads up a sheet listing all of the contacts configured on your iPhone.
Ending calls placed with Exigency takes you right back to the Lock screen with passcode enabled. In theory, that should mean that the integrity of the Passcode should protect other areas of your device, but as you probably know, when you start messing with this stuff, nothing is guaranteed.
Exigency is available right now on Cydia’s ModMyi repo for free. Let me know what you think about it in the comments below.