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Saurik on competition and community

Me and SaurikMe and Saurik

Every once in a while, a group of individuals surfaces to offer a new “Cydia alternative.” Full of good intentions, these individuals usually realize quickly enough that building a replacement or even a complement to Cydia isn’t an easy task.

The latest Cydia alternative to generate interest within the community is iMods, an elegant installer that doesn’t necessarily aim to take on Cydia, but rather target a different user base, as one of its developer explains. The concept, both in terms of design and engineering sounds promising, but is it viable?

Does it even make sense to try to bring a new installer to market? What does it take to do so, and what hurdles should the developers of such a tool be ready to face? These are some questions that Saurik tries to answer in a 5,600 word essay…

After several past failed attempts to paraphrase Saurik, I won’t even adventure myself on this dangerous territory. Instead, I invite you to read Competition vs. Community, a great read penned by Saurik himself, in which he explains what it is like to be Saurik, but most importantly, in which he argues that competition is the clear opposite of “community.

Saurik makes some very valid points in this post. You may agree with him, or you may believe he’s just defending his own interests. Either way, it is something you should read.

Head over to Saurik’s website to read his views on the matter, then come back here and tell us what you think.

Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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