In this article we will see how we can set text to the selected date of QCalendarWidget. In order to add the text to the selected date we have to use paintCell
method, it is virtual protected method and it can be used by overwriting the method since this method is called in paintEvent(). Below is how the text will look like
Implementation Steps :
1. Create Calendar class which inherits the QCalendarWidget
2. Inside the Calendar class overwrite the paintCell method
3. Create a main window
4. Add Calendar object inside the main window
Below is the Calendar class code
# QCalendarWidget Class class Calendar(QCalendarWidget): def paintCell(self, painter, rect, date): super(Calendar, self).paintCell(painter, rect, date) # checking if date is selected date if date == self.selectedDate(): # saving the painter # creating a QFont object font = QFont() # setting pixel size of the font font.setPixelSize(11) # making font bold font.setBold(True) # making font italic font.setItalic(True) # setting font to the painter painter.setFont(font) # drawing text painter.drawText( rect.topLeft() + QPoint(10, 10), "{}".format("Geek"), ) # restoring the painter painter.restore()
Below is the implementation
# importing libraries from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * import sys # QCalendarWidget Class class Calendar(QCalendarWidget): def paintCell( self , painter, rect, date): super (Calendar, self ).paintCell(painter, rect, date) # checking if date is selected date if date = = self .selectedDate(): # saving the painter # creating a QFont object font = QFont() # setting pixel size of the font font.setPixelSize( 11 ) # making font bold font.setBold( True ) # making font italic font.setItalic( True ) # setting font to the painter painter.setFont(font) # drawing text painter.drawText( rect.topLeft() + QPoint( 10 , 10 ), "{}" . format ( "Geek" ), ) # restoring the painter painter.restore() class Window(QMainWindow): def __init__( self ): super ().__init__() # setting title self .setWindowTitle( "Python " ) # setting geometry self .setGeometry( 100 , 100 , 500 , 400 ) # calling method self .UiComponents() # showing all the widgets self .show() # method for components def UiComponents( self ): # creating a QCalendarWidget object # as Calendar class inherits QCalendarWidget self .calendar = Calendar( self ) # setting cursor self .calendar.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) # setting size of the calendar self .calendar.resize( 350 , 240 ) # setting font to the calendar self .calendar.setFont(QFont( 'Times' , 5 )) # move the calendar self .calendar.move( 10 , 10 ) # create pyqt5 app App = QApplication(sys.argv) # create the instance of our Window window = Window() # start the app sys.exit(App. exec ()) |
Output :