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8 Ways to Shipwreck Your Next Website Design

A website has a small time to capture the interest of users. A growing age of technology in which a lot of websites are available for a particular theme, so why should one choose the old and boring website. What your website needs a bit more than the information. It needs an attractive appearance that will bring it in the modern age and make it really suitable for the current digital world. But be careful that you don’t wreck it while making it attractive.
In this article, we are going to discuss 8 points that you must keep in mind while designing a website.

1. Always Talking About Yourself
While designing your website make sure you don’t brag too much about it. Always keep in mind what the user wants, why they have visited your site. Visitors only care about the solution to their problem so don’t just brag about your achievements. Anticipate their problems and highlight how your business can solve them. Make them believe that you can make their life better.

2. Redesigning for all the Wrong Reasons
In this growing age of competition, one must always be better than the rest but one must not get too much indulge in that. You should redesign your website so that your users get a better interface, they should never get bored with your website. One should not redesign the website just because the competitor is doing so. Any update should be done while keeping the user in mind.

3. Responsiveness & Platform Independent
A website should be designed while keeping in mind what are the sources through which a user can browse it. Do not make your website highly graphical that a normal mobile user can’t access it. Make sure your website can be accessed from even small-screen smartphones to a pc. Your website can be browsed through slow connection also, you want a large number of visitors so make sure it is accessible by a large group of people. A majority of the population uses a smartphone so the website should contain all such thing which can be easily viewed through them. Use of simple text styles, only those images which are necessary should be done.

4. Being Cute or Clever, Instead of Clear
Your tagline should be attractive so that it generates people’s interest but at the same time it should be clear i.e. people should clearly understand what you want to say. You might have a fancy vocabulary but it’s of no use if a user can’t understand what you want to say. If your visitors don’t understand it in a few seconds, you’ve lost them. Making your website attractive is necessary but at the same time, it is necessary that people find what they are looking for. They are gonna appreciate how it looks but thinks what good it’s going to do if they don’t found out what they were looking for.

5. Who Cares about the Crew ?
While designing a website you’re gonna need a lot of people, different people who are experts in their particular field. Marketers, copywriters, programmers, and social media experts, all have a very important role in designing a website. You cannot design a website on your own. You need to keep in mind every aspect of how the website gonna attract more visitors. Always listen to suggestions that your crew offers, listen to everyone before the final design.

6. Let Them Figure It Out
People love to surf the web, they are interested in knowing about a lot of things. But why do they love it, they love it because they get their search result fast. They get accurate content. So make sure that your website is fast and the user gets the required content. This is gonna bring the user again and again to your website. Make sure that you don’t have a lot of pop-up ads as they are gonna irritate the user. Your search result should be accurate and it should take very little time to load. Don’t let the visitor struggle through your website, keep them happy.

7. Using Good Site Structure
People need to be able to easily explore your site and find what they are looking for quickly. If they get confused they are going to get irritated and leave the site. Make sure your website provides a good user interface, the user can easily access the website. Speed is one of the crucial factors, make sure that your images are optimized. Images take a lot of time in downloading especially in small devices. Reduce the images to the smallest possible dimension.

8. Once You’ve Launched, You’re All Set!
Once your website is launched you are good to go. Try to bring as many visitors as possible. But you don’t have time to relax here the real work starts after the website is launched. You have to do more work than before. You have to make sure that the user gets whatever they are searching for. Your website is not a brochure it’s a powerful 24 hour day lead generation tool. You should keep a check on what the user wants and also suggest some relevant things related to his search. But you should not bother the user too much like subscribing to this newsletter, too many pop-ups, etc. Always try to make his search experience worth remembering.

Following these points will lead to a good and stable website. Designing a website requires teamwork. Everyone’s opinion matter. Using the best use of the analytical data and customer preferences a website can be maintained in an effective manner. These 8 points are just the basic building blocks of a website which should be followed by every website developer. Always keep in mind what the customer needs and always take feedback from them. This feedback is going to improve your website. By following this you’ll not only attract and retain your specified target audience but keep your website sail amazingly.

Last Updated :
08 Nov, 2019
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