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7 Best React Design Patterns That Every Developer Should Know

Writing code is one thing and writing reusable and modular code is another. Design patterns help us achieve the latter. Currently, React is one of the most widely used UI libraries and with the help of design patterns, developers can solve a lot of problems and write high-quality React code.

React Design Patterns That Every Developer Should Know

Design patterns are the most effective solutions to the common software development challenges that a developer may face. Often, there are multiple solutions to a single problem. They all solve the problem, but some may create issues when more complexity is introduced in the code.

Need to Use Design Patterns in React

Some common challenges that a React developer faces are:

  • Creating reusable components
  • Uncontrolled and controlled components in form handling
  • Reusing complex logic between multiple components

To solve the above issues, we need React design patterns.

7 Best React Design Patterns That Every Developer Should Know

Well, React is all about building things in a smart, organized way. These design patterns are like handy guides that help you do just that. Whether you’re new to React or a seasoned coder, these React Design patterns are like your trusty tools to make your code not just work but work really well. Soo let’s deep dive into each react pattern closely.

1. Layout Components Pattern

Layout components are those components that are responsible for arranging other components on a page. Basically, they determine how the components should look on the page. In this pattern, we split the layout and the child component, so that making changes in the layout component won’t affect the child. This maintains the separation between the two components.

This pattern provides more flexibility in how the components may be used in the future.

Let’s create a split screen by creating the layout component first.



export const SplitScreenLayout = ({ left, right }) => {
  return (
      <div style={{ display: "flex" }}>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>{left}</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>{right}</div>

In the above code, there is “SplitScreenLayout” which is a layout component (parent) and it is going to display two children: left and right.



const Left = () => {
    return <div>Display on the left side</div>;
const Right = () => {
    return <div>Display on the right side</div>;

In the above code, we have defined “Left” and “Right” as the two components that we are going to display on the page as a split screen. Now, we can use both the “Left” and “Right” components inside the “SplitScreenLayout” component.



export default function App() {
  return (
          left={<Left />}
          right={<Right />}


layout component pattern output displaying left and right component

2. Conditional Rendering Pattern

In software development, a lot of times a developer has to display different components based on different conditions.For example, if the logged-in user is an admin, show its designation as “Admin” on the page. And if the logged-in user is a simple user, show its designation as “User”.

This is where React conditional rendering comes in.



export default function App() {
    let [products, setProducts] = useState([]);
    useEffect(() => {
        // fetch a list of products from the server
    }, [])
    return (
        <div className="App">
                products.length > 0 ? (
                    // do something
                ) : (
                    <p>No products</p>

In the above code, a list of products is being fetched in the useEffect hook when the component first mounts and the list is assigned to the “products” state variable. If there is at least one item in the product list, we are doing something in the code. But if there is no item in the list, we are displaying “No products”.

3. Higher Order Components (HOCs) Pattern

HOCs are functions that take a component and return a new component. They help us reuse complex code logic across our application. We don’t need to create two separate components containing similar logic.



export const printProps = (Component) => {
  return (props) => {
    return <Component {...props} />

The HOC, printProps, starts with a small letter, unlike a functional component because in most cases, we don’t display them inside JSX. We return a new component by taking its props and returning some JSX. In our case, the component itself with all of its props.

That returned component is called SomeComponent, which will just display “I am SomeComponent” on the page.



export const SomeComponent = () => {
  return (
      <div>I am SomeComponent</div>

Below is how we are using the HOC to print the props on the console with the help of SomeComponent.



export default function App() {
  const NewComponent = printProps(SomeComponent);
  return (
        prop1="The value of prop1" 
        prop2="The value of prop2" 

We have created a wrapper called “NewComponent” around “SomeComponent” that will display the props on the console given below.


hoc pattern output displaying the value of prop1 and prop2

4. Provider Pattern

Imagine you are building a complex application with a lot of components and their states. How do you pass those states to the end component without involving multiple components in between? To solve this problem, React introduced the provider pattern. The provider pattern shares data globally across the application between various components.

There are multiple state management libraries like Redux, but React provides Context API out of the box to manage state.



export const Context = createContext();
export const ContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [number, setNumber] = useState(0);
  useEffect(() => {
      setNumber(number + 1);
  }, []);
  return (
    <Context.Provider value={{number}}>

We have created a context where we have added a number state that increments to 1 when the component first mounts.

To use the number state variable, we need to wrap the whole app with the context provider.



export default function App() {
  return (
        <BaseComponent />

Now, with the help of BaseComponent, we can display the number state on the page.



export const BaseComponent = () => {
  const { number } = useContext(Context);
  return <div>{number}</div>;

With the Context API, we can use any state variable defined inside the context in any component.

5. Presentational and Container Components Pattern

Presentational and Container components separate the application layer from the view layer. The Presentational component deals with how the component will look on the page, while the container component handles the data, i.e., what will display on the page.

Example: Presentational Component


export const DisplayComments = ({ list }) => {
  return (
    list && => {
        return (
          <div key={}>

The above component just displays a list of comments on the page. It doesn’t handle the data fetching logic.

Example: Container Component


export const Comments = () => {
  const [comments, setComments] = useState([]);
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      const response = await axios.get("");
  }, []);
  return <DisplayComments list={comments} />;

The above container component fetches the comments of a post and returns the presentational component with the comments passed as props.

6. Render Props Pattern

A render prop is basically a prop on a component whose value is a function that returns JSX. Here, the component calls the render prop instead of rendering anything. Therefore, there’s no rendering logic being implemented.



const Username = (props) => props.render();

We have created a Username component whose job is to render whatever we pass to its props, in our case, the name of a person.



export default function App() {
  return (
      <Username render={() => <h1>John</h1>} />
      <Username render={() => <h1>Charles</h1>} />

We have used the “Username” component to display the names of two different people. This pattern increases the reusability of the component even more.

7. Compound Pattern

A compound pattern can be referred to as multiple components that are combined together to serve a common function. For example, select tag and option tag in HTML are responsible for creating dropdown menus.



        <Tab id="a">
            <button>Tab 1</button>
    <TabPanel active="a">
          Tab 1 Panel

In the above code, there’s a “Tab” component that renders a tab panel when we click on the tab button. Here, multiple components are combined together to create one compound component.


React design patterns are some of the most useful techniques that provide benefits to developers in order to write reusable code.We discussed the 7 best design patterns to use in React, and in order to improve our code, it is important to use the design patterns along with the React best practices. The choice of design pattern should be context-dependent and should align with the specific requirements. By combining design patterns and React best practices, you can write cleaner, more maintainable, and efficient code.

Last Updated :
22 Nov, 2023
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