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Difference between Print Media and Electronic Media

1. Print Media: 

Print media is a form of mass media as the name suggests the news or information is shared through printed publications. Printed media is the oldest means of sharing information/news. In printed media, the news or information is published in hard copy and then it is released which is more reader-friendly. The main types of print media include newspapers, magazines, and books. In print media Live show, Live discussion, and Live reporting is not possible it is based on the interval update method. 


  • Tangibility: Print media offers a physical copy of the content, which readers can hold and read at their convenience.
  • Credibility: Print media, such as newspapers and magazines, are considered to be more credible than electronic media due to the rigorous fact-checking process they undergo.
  • Targeted audience: Print media can be targeted towards specific demographics, making it easier for businesses to reach their intended audience.
  • Longer shelf-life: Print media has a longer shelf life than electronic media, as it can be stored for a long time and can be re-read multiple times.


  • Limited reach: Print media has a limited reach, as it is distributed only to specific locations and to those who purchase or subscribe to the publication.
  • Cost: Producing print media can be expensive, as it involves the cost of printing, distribution, and storage.
  • Time constraints: Print media has a longer production cycle, as it takes time to write, edit, print, and distribute the content.

2. Electronic Media: 

Electronic Media is a form of mass media as the name suggests the news or information is shared through electronic medium. Electronic media is the advanced means of sharing information/news. In electronic media, the news or information is uploaded or broadcasted and then it can be viewed through electronic mediums which is more viewer-friendly. The main types of electronic media include television news, News through mobile apps, etc. In electronic media Live shows, Live discussions, Live reporting is possible as it is based on an immediate update method. 


  • Wider reach: Electronic media has a wider reach than print media, as it can be accessed anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
  • Interactivity: Electronic media allows for greater interactivity with the audience, such as through comments, social media shares, and live streams.
  • Cost-effective: Electronic media is often cheaper to produce and distribute than print media.
  • Real-time updates: Electronic media can be updated in real-time, making it ideal for breaking news and live events.


  • Short shelf-life: Electronic media has a shorter shelf life than print media, as content can quickly become outdated or buried in a sea of other digital content.
  • Credibility concerns: Due to the ease of producing and distributing electronic media, there are concerns about the credibility of the information being presented.
  • Audience fragmentation: With so many electronic media outlets available, it can be difficult for businesses to target their intended audience effectively.
  • Distraction: Electronic media can be a distraction, as users may be tempted to switch between different websites, apps, and social media platforms instead of focusing on one piece of content. 


  • Both provide a means of communicating information to a large audience.
  • Both can be used for marketing and advertising purposes.
  • Both offer various formats for presenting information, such as text, images, and videos.
  • Both require the creation of content by writers, editors, and other content creators.
  • Both can be accessed by individuals at their convenience.
  • Both have the potential to impact public opinion and shape social discourse.
  • Both can be used for entertainment and educational purposes.
  • Both require the use of technology, whether it’s printing presses or digital devices.
  • Both can be used to create and disseminate news and current events.
  • Both can be monetized through subscriptions, advertising, or other revenue streams.

Difference between Print Media and Electronic Media :

01. Print media is form of mass media which creates, delivers news and information through printed publications. Electronic Media is form of mass media which creates, delivers news and information through electronic medium.
02. Print media is the earlier form of media. Electronic media is the advanced form of media.
03. To go through print media one should be literate as it needs to read the information. To go through electronic media, literacy is not primary requirement as because one can watch or listen the information.
04. Print media needs more time to edit and update as new printed materials needs to be released. Electronic media can be quickly edited and updated.
05. Print media is not available 24*7, rather it comes in interval for instance daily printed newspaper, monthly magazine etc. Electronic media is available 24*7, for instance News apps in smart phone, News channels in TV etc.
06. Print media needs to be carried always with the person, for instance taking news paper in bag or taking magazine in bag. Electronic media can be availed anywhere at anytime just with a electronic device like smartphone or laptop.
07. The main types of printed media include printed news paper, magazine and books. The main types of electronic media include information/news through TV, smart phones, Laptops etc.
08. In print media deadline exists in relation to the collection of news. For instance today’s any incident will be published in tomorrow’s news paper. In electronic media no such deadline exists, as information/news can be updated anytime. For instance any time if any incident is happening it can be immediately updated in electronic media.
09. Live show, Live discussion, Live reporting is not possible in print media. Live show, Live discussion, Live reporting is possible in electronic media.
10. Coverage area of print media is limited and comparatively less than electronic media. Coverage area of electronic media is more.
11. Print media is more reader-friendly. Electronic media is more viewer friendly.
12. Updating is required on periodic basis. Updating is required on regular basis.
13. After publishing, print media cannot be edited. There is possibility of editing at nay time.
14. It possess slow pace because printing consumes time. It possess fast pace.
15. We can send print media to a certain extent. For example, there is coverage of specific region, city or state. We can send electronic media anywhere.


  • Cannot be changed once published
  • Content availability at single point
  • Trustworthy
  • Always focused


  • Eco-friendly
  • Democratic
  • Easy and fast update
  • Searching is easy
  • two way communication


  • One-way communication
  • Searching is difficult
  • Unable to target a specific audience


  • Issue of fake news because of easy content sharing
  • Health problems
  • Headline stress disorder for people who are always in search of new content


print media and electronic media have different characteristics and uses. While print media may be more expensive and less timely than electronic media, it can offer a more tactile experience and has a longer lifespan. Electronic media, on the other hand, can reach a larger audience and offers more interactivity and real-time updates. 

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