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Difference between JUnit and TestNG

Software Development Life Cycle has various phases for the development of software which includes, Requirement analysis, Communication, Designing, Coding, Testing, and Deployment. Software testing plays a vital role in the software development to deploy efficiently. It is achieved in two ways either manually or automatically, which also makes sure that the product that is to be delivered fulfills requirements of the client or for what purpose it was being designed. This introduced is to the use of Frameworks testing in SDLC which are been-performed in very short span of time. For the scope of this article let us discuss two testing frameworks named JUnit and TestNG.

1. JUnit :
JUnit framework is a Java framework that is widely used for testing. It supports the test to run by writing and testing along. JUnit framework was initially based on the SUnit framework which is used for Unit testing but then later it was updated with Java using Selenium WebDriver. JUnit is now is used as a standard when we need to perform testing in Java.

Features of JUnit testing framework :

  • JUnit does not support running parallel test simultaneously.
  • JUnit framework was updated in Java 8.
  • It helps to achieve test-driven programming while writing code.
  • JUnit is supported by many languages now.

2. TestNG :
TestNG is also a Java framework that facilitate to perform software tests in Java. It is a framework that runs the tests in classes. It makes classes for corresponding test and then process them. TestNG is an advanced framework that overcomes limitations found in JUnit. It is also being considered a flexible tool to performs tests as it uses the same Classes to run its all tests and manages threads to run procedures which makes overall functioning of the checking tests fast.

Features of TestNG testing framework :

  • TestNG can put test methods in Java groups.
  • It processes Unit tests with passing parameters into the test methods.
  • Making use of Threads enhances testing performance better as execution time is reduced.
  • One of the limitation of JUnit is overcome as it supports execution of parallel tests.

Differences between JUnit and TestNG :

Basis of JUnit TestNG
Developed by JUnit was developed by Kent Beck, David Saff, Erich Gamma. Erich Gamma, and Kris Vasudevan. TestNG is a testing framework that was developed by Cédric Beust.
Open-Source JUnit is an open-source framework used to trigger and write tests. TestNG is a Java-based framework that is an upgraded option for running tests.
Parallel test Runs JUnit does not support to run parallel tests. TestNG can run parallel tests.
Supports Annotation It does not support advanced annotation. It supports advanced annotation.
Dependency tests The dependency tests are missing in JUnit. Dependency tests are present in TestNG.
Grouping tests Grouping tests together is not possible in JUnit. Tests can be grouped together and run parallel.
Ease of Use Running tests need a certain dependency on JUnit. Writing tests and configuring them is easy in TestNG than JUnit.
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