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Monitoring Ceph Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana

This article is part of Smart Infrastructure monitoring series, we’ve already covered how to Install Prometheus Server on CentOS 7 and how to Install Grafana and InfluxDB on CentOS 7. We have a Ceph cluster on production that we have been trying to find good tools for monitoring it, lucky enough, we came across Prometheus and Grafana.

Ceph Cluster monitoring with Prometheus requires Prometheus exporter that scrapes meta information about a ceph cluster. In this guide, we’ll use DigitalOcean Ceph exporter.


  1. Installed Prometheus Server.
  2. Installed Grafana Server.
  3. Docker installed on a Server to run Prometheus Ceph exporter. It should be able to talk to ceph cluster.
  4. Working Ceph Cluster
  5. Access to Ceph cluster to copy ceph.conf configuration file and the ceph.<user>.keyring in order to authenticate to your cluster.

Follow below steps for a complete guide on how to set this up.

Step 1: Install Prometheus Server and Grafana:

Use these links for how to install Prometheus and Grafana.

Step 2: Install Docker on Prometheus Ceph exporter client

Please note that Prometheus Ceph exporter client should have access to Ceph cluster network for it to pull Cluster metrics. Install Docker on this server using our official Docker installation guide:

Also, install docker-compose.

Step 3: Build Ceph Exporter Docker image

Once you have Docker Engine installed and service running. You should be ready to build docker image from DigitalOcean Ceph exporter project. Consider installing Git if you don’t have it already.

sudo yum -y install git

If you’re using Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install git

Then clone the project from Github:

git clone

Switch to the ceph_exporter directory and build docker image:

cd ceph_exporter
docker build -t ceph_exporter .

This will build an image named ceph_exporter. It may take a while depending on your internet and disk write speeds.

$ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
ceph_exporter        latest    1e3b0082e6d4   3 minutes ago   379MB

Step 4: Start Prometheus ceph exporter client container

Copy ceph.conf configuration file and the ceph.<user>.keyring to /etc/ceph directory and start docker container host’s network stack. You can use vanilla docker commands, docker-compose or systemd to manage the container. For docker command line tool, run below commands.

docker run -it \
  -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph \
  --net=host \
  -p=9128:9128 \

For docker-compose, create the following file:

$ vim docker-compose.yml
# Example usage of exporter in use
version: '2'
    image: ceph_exporter
    restart: always
    network_mode: "host"
        - /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph
        - '9128:9128'

Then start docker container using:

$ docker-compose up -d

For systemd, create service unit file like below:

$ sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/ceph_exporter.service
Description=Manage Ceph exporter service


ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill ceph_exporter
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ceph_exporter

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run \
--name ceph_exporter \
-v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph \
--net=host \
-p=9128:9128 \

ExecStop=-/usr/bin/docker kill ceph_exporter
ExecStop=-/usr/bin/docker rm ceph_exporter

Reload systemd daemon:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start and enable the service:

sudo systemctl enable ceph_exporter
sudo systemctl start ceph_exporter

Check container status:

sudo systemctl status ceph_exporter

You should get output like below if all went fine.

Step 5: Open 9128 on the firewall

I use firewalld since this is a CentOS 7 server, allow access to port 9128 from your trusted network.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent \
  --add-rich-rule 'rule family="ipv4" \ 
  source address="" \
  port protocol="tcp" port="9128" accept'

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Test access with nc or telnet command.

$ telnet 9128
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

$ nc -v 9128
Ncat: Version 6.40 ( )
Ncat: Connected to

Step 6: Configure Prometheus scrape target

We need to define the Prometheus static_configs line for created ceph exporter container.  Edit the file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml on your Prometheus server to look like below.

    - job_name: prometheus
          - targets: ['localhost:9090']
    - job_name: 'ceph-exporter'
        - targets: ['ceph-exporter-node-ip:9128']
            alias: ceph-exporter

Replace localhost with your ceph exporter host IP address. Remember to restart Prometheus service after making the changes:

sudo systemctl restart prometheus

Step 7: Add Prometheus Data Source to Grafana

Login to your Grafana Dashboard and add Prometheus data source. You’ll need to provide the following information:

Name: Name given to this data source
Type: The type of data source, in our case this is Prometheus
URL: IP address and port number of Prometheus server you’re adding.
Access: Specify if access through proxy or direct. Proxy means access through Grafana server, direct means access from the web.

grafana add data source

Save the settings by clicking save & Test button.

Step 8: Import Ceph Cluster Grafana Dashboards

The last step is to import the Ceph Cluster Grafana Dashboards. From my research, I found the following Dashboards by Cristian Calin.

We will use dashboard IDs 917, 926 and 923 when importing dashboards on Grafana.

Click the plus sign (+)> Import to import dashboard. Enter the number that matches the dashboard you wish to import above.

grafana ceph cluster
grafana ceph osd
grafana ceph pools

To View imported dashboards, go to Dashboards and select the name of the dashboard you want to view.

grafana ceph cluster dashboard
grafana ceph osd dashboard
grafana ceph pools dashboard

For OSD and Pools dashboard, you need to select the pool name / OSD number to view its usage and status. SUSE guys have similar dashboards available on

Other Prometheus Monitoring guides:


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