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HomeData Modelling & AIHighlights from the Strata Data Conference in London 2018

Highlights from the Strata Data Conference in London 2018

Experts from across the data world came together for the Strata Data Conference in London. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.

Charting a data journey to the cloud

Mick Hollison, Sven Löffler, and Robert Neumann explain how Deutsche Telekom is harnessing machine learning and analytics in the cloud to build Europe’s largest IoT data marketplace.

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Journey to GDPR compliance

May 25 is an important day for data protection in the EU and elsewhere. Alison Howard explains how Microsoft has prepared for May 25 and beyond.

Humans and the machine: Machine learning in context

Jean-François Puget explains why human context should be embraced as a guide to building better and smarter systems.

Building a stronger data ecosystem

Ben Lorica looks at the problems we’re facing as we collect and store data, particularly when our machine learning models require huge amounts of labeled data.

The Paradise Papers: Behind the scenes with the ICIJ

Pierre Romera explores the challenges in making 1.4 TB of data securely available to journalists all over the world.

Data protection and innovation

Eva Kaili outlines the fundamentals of GDPR and applications of blockchain.

So, you want to be successful in the open future?

Louise Beaumont explores the five characteristics of companies that choose to succeed.

Machine learning: Research & industry

Having worked in both research and industry, Mikio Braun shares insights into what’s the same, what’s different, and how deep learning might change the game.

When to KISS

Zubin Siganporia explains how the KISS principle (“Keep It Simple, Stupid”) applies to solving problems and convincing end-users to adopt data-driven solutions to their challenges.

Out of the lab and into real life

Christine Foster discusses how today’s academic papers turn into tomorrow’s data science.

The good, the bad, and the internet?

Martha Lane Fox considers the unintended consequences of technology.

Post topics: AI & ML, Data


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