I recently got an opportunity of being interviewed at Inmobi after getting shortlisted for the Inmobi codies test. I was called for onsite interviews at their Bangalore office. The process consisted of 3 technical rounds and 1 HR round.
Round 1:
Tell me about yourself
Discussion on my current work and previous projects.
Detect loop in a linked list
Given a sorted array of 0’s and 1’s, find the last index of 1.
eg: 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Here the last index of 1 is 3.
Round 2:
Given some user preference categories (like sports, music) which can be further subdivided in to sub-categories up to any level. Where each category/ sub-category can have users associated with it. Given a user id, find the complete path of user preference. The preference may change any time. The search time should be O(1)
Given a number line from -infinity to +infinity. You start at 0 and can go either to the left or to the right. The condition is that in i’th move, you take i steps.
a) Find if you can reach a given number x
b) Find the most optimal way to reach a given number x, if we can indeed reach it. For example, 3 can be reached on 2 steps, (0, 1) (1, 3) and 4 can be reached in 3 steps (0, -1), (-1, 1) (1, 4).
Some basics questions on oops.
Round 3:
Tell me about yourself
Brief discussion on my projects
Given an array of number, where a set can be like:
s = {A[i], A[A[i]], A[A[A[i]]]….}
Find the set with the maximum cardinality.
How will you model this as a problem in graph?
You are given continuous stream of numbers, find median of the numbers read so far after reading each element.
Puzzle: Given N buckets each with infinite number of balls. All the containers contain balls with 10 g expect one which contains balls with 15 g. Find the container with 15 g balls.
There is beam balance, which you can use only once.
Round 4:(HR)
Tell me about yourself
What does Inmobi do?
Why Inmobi?
Why should we hire you?
If you are made team lead of a project, how will you handle it.
Given a situation where you performed more than expected out of you.
You biggest failure.
What would you want to improve about yourself?
And some more behavioral questions which I cant remember 🙂 .
Overall it was a great interview experience.
PS. It is not important you reach the optimal solution at the first shot, you may start with brute force approach which will help you find the optimal solution. Also think aloud 🙂
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