React-Bootstrap is a front-end framework that was designed keeping react in mind. Bootstrap was re-built and revamped for React, hence it is known as React-Bootstrap.
Badges are used for indication purposes like to show the notifications number, and we can also display messages using variants that come with this framework.
Badge props:
- pill: It is used to make the more rounded badges and adds some horizontal padding.
- variant: It is used to add different themes and visual styles for badges.
- variant: It is used for visual styling.
- bsPrefix: It is an escape hatch for working with strongly customized bootstrap css.
Creating React Application And Installing Module:
Step 1: Create a React application using the following command:
npx create-react-app foldername
Step 2: After creating your project folder i.e. foldername, move to it using the following command:
cd foldername
Step 3: After creating the ReactJS application, Install the required modules using the following command:
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
Step 4: Add the below line in index.js file:
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
Project Structure: It will look like the following.
Example: Now write down the following code in the App.js file. Here, App is our default component where we have written our code.
import React from "react" ; import Badge from "react-bootstrap/Badge" ; import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button" ; export default function BadgeExample() { return ( <> <div> <h3>Notification Indication Badge with multiple variants</h3> <Button variant= "secondary" > Primary variant <Badge variant= "primary" > 10 </Badge> </Button>{ " " } <Button variant= "secondary" > Secondary variant <Badge variant= "secondary" > 10 </Badge> </Button>{ " " } <Button variant= "secondary" > Success variant <Badge variant= "success" > 10 </Badge> </Button>{ " " } <Button variant= "secondary" > Danger variant <Badge variant= "danger" > 10 </Badge> </Button>{ " " } <Button variant= "secondary" > Warning variant <Badge variant= "warning" > 10 </Badge> </Button>{ " " } <Button variant= "secondary" > Light variant <Badge variant= "light" > 10 </Badge> </Button>{ " " } </div> <br /> <div> <h3>Pill Type Badge with multiple variants</h3> <Badge pill variant= "primary" > Primary pill variant </Badge>{ " " } <Badge pill variant= "secondary" > Secondary pill variant </Badge>{ " " } <Badge pill variant= "success" > Success pill variant </Badge>{ " " } <Badge pill variant= "danger" > Danger pill variant </Badge>{ " " } <Badge pill variant= "warning" > Warning pill variant </Badge>{ " " } <Badge pill variant= "info" > Info pill variant </Badge>{ " " } <Badge pill variant= "light" > Light pill variant </Badge>{ " " } <Badge pill variant= "dark" > Dark pill variant </Badge> </div> <br /> <div> <h3>Contextual Badge with multiple variants</h3> <Badge variant= "primary" > Primary variant</Badge>{ " " } <Badge variant= "secondary" > Secondary variant</Badge>{ " " } <Badge variant= "success" > Success variant</Badge>{ " " } <Badge variant= "danger" > Danger variant</Badge>{ " " } <Badge variant= "warning" > Warning variant</Badge>{ " " } <Badge variant= "info" > Info variant</Badge>{ " " } <Badge variant= "light" > Light variant</Badge>{ " " } <Badge variant= "dark" > Dark variant </Badge> </div> <br /> <div> <h3>Use of badges in normal text</h3> <h5> Heading <Badge variant= "primary" > primary badge variant !!! </Badge> </h5> <h5> Heading <Badge variant= "secondary" > secondary badge variant </Badge> </h5> <h5> Heading <Badge variant= "success" > success badge variant </Badge> </h5> <h5> Heading <Badge variant= "danger" > danger badge variant </Badge> </h5> <h5> Heading <Badge variant= "warning" > warning badge variant </Badge> </h5> <h5> Heading <Badge variant= "info" > info badge variant </Badge> </h5> <h5> Heading <Badge variant= "dark" > dark badge variant </Badge> </h5> </div> </> ); } |
Step to Run Application: Run the application using the following command from the root directory of the project:
npm start
Output: Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/, you will see the following output.