The following approach covers how to create an animated sliding image gallery using framer and ReactJS.
- Knowledge of JavaScript (ES6)
- Knowledge of HTML/CSS.
- Basic knowledge of ReactJS.
Creating React Application And Installing Module:
Step 1: Create a React application using the following command:
$ npx create-react-app image-gallery
Step 2: After creating your project folder i.e. image-gallery, move to it using the following command.
$ cd image-gallery
Step 3: Add the npm packages you will need during the project.
$ npm install framer
Open the src folder and delete the following files:
- logo.svg
- serviceWorker.js
- setupTests.js
- App.test.js (if any)
- App.js
- App.css
Project Structure: It will look like the following.
import React from "react" ; import { render } from "react-dom" ; // Importing framer components : Frame and Page import { Frame, Page } from "framer" ; import "./index.css" ; export function MyComponent() { // Object array of sliding gallery pages data const pages = [ { index: 1, // Source of the image src: "cdn-uploads/gfg_200x200-min.png" , // background color of the page background: "#1e1e1e" }, { index: 2, src: "cdn-uploads/20190710102234/download3.png" , background: "#fcfcfc" }, { index: 3, src: "V27UlohMeBLxyUdhs9hUbc-Agw=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj" , background: "#bcbcbc" } ]; return ( // Framer component with some of its attributes <Page defaultEffect= "none" width={350} height={350} contentWidth= "auto" alignment= "end" radius={30} > { /* Map through the Pages object array and rendering each page with its specified image and background-color */ } { => ( // Framer "Frame" component <Frame width={350} height={350} radius={30} background={page.background} > <img src={page.src} alt= "neveropen" /> </Frame> ))} </Page> ); } // Export default MyComponent; // rendering "MyComponent" const rootElement = document.getElementById( "root" ); render(<MyComponent />, rootElement); |
#root { width : 100 vw; height : 100 vh; display : flex; justify- content : center ; align-items: center ; background : rgba( 0 , 85 , 255 , 1 ); perspective: 1000px ; cursor : ew-resize; } body { font-family : sans-serif ; text-align : center ; margin : 0 ; } img { border-radius: 100% ; height : 300px ; width : 300px ; margin-top : 25px ; justify- content : center ; align-items: center ; } |
Step to Run Application: Run the application using the following command from the root directory of the project:
$ npm start
Output: Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/, you will see the following output.