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HomeData Modelling & AIManage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI

In our previous guide, we walked through how to run Redis in Podman / Docker Container. Today we will manage the installed Redis instance using the Redis Desktop Manager(Redis GUI client).

The Redis server can be managed using redis-cli , the Redis command-line interface where you can send commands to your Redis server and the replies sent directly to the terminal. This method may not be easy for beginners and other Linux users who are not comfortable with the command line and therefore the need for a GUI tool.

The Redis Desktop Manager(RESP.app) is fast and more stable and compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS systems. This tool offers a simplified method to access the Redis server and perform various operations such as viewing keys as a tree and executing commands via the shell.

It offers more amazing features that include:

  • Always at hand – it is available for several platforms such as macOS, iPadOS, Windows and all Linux distributions.
  • Memory Analyzer – It allows one to analyse the Redis memory usage and remove obsolete data with bulk removal.
  • TLS and SSH – Build-in TLS, SSH and TLS-over-SSH tunneling for easy and secure access to any redis-server.
  • Clouds ready – it can work with Digital Ocean, Amazon ElastiCache, Microsoft Azure Redis Cache and other cloud platforms.
  • Grasp your Data – It presents JSON, MsgPack, PHP, Pickle, numpy, pandas and binary data in human readable form.

By following this guide to the end, you should be able to manage Redis using the Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client.

Getting Started.

Before we dive into the crux of this matter, I assume that you already have the Redis Server set up. Otherwise, use the dedicated guides below to achieve this.

Once the Redis server has been installed, you can proceed and manage it using the GUI tool installed using the step below:

Install the Redis Desktop Manager on Windows / macOS / Linux

The Redis Desktop Manager can be installed on various platforms as below.

Method 1: Install Redis Desktop Manager from release packages

In the first method we shall download official release packages for Windows, macOS and Linux.

1. On Windows

The Redis Desktop Manager can be installed on Windows by downloading the .exe file from the GitHub release page. You can also use winget as below.

winget install qishibo.AnotherRedisDesktopManager

2. On Mac

Also here, download and install the latest DMG package from the GitHub release page. Alternatively, you can install the Redis GUI client using brew as below.

brew install --cask another-redis-desktop-manager

3. On Linux

Similar to Windows and Mac, there are two methods you can use to install the Redis GUI client on Linux.

The first method is by downloading the latest AppImage file from the Redis GitHub release page. For example, pull the AppImage using Wget as below.

URL=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager/releases/latest|grep browser_download_url|grep AppImage|cut -d '"' -f 4)
echo $URL|wget -i -

Make the AppImage executable.

chmod +x Another-Redis-Desktop-Manager.*.AppImage

Run the GUI app as below.


Method 2: Install Redis Desktop Manager from Snap packages

The second method is by using snap. Ensure that snap is installed and running on your system. This can be achieved with the aid of the guides below.

With snap installed and running, install the Redis GUI client on your Linux system.

sudo snap install another-redis-desktop-manager

Sample Output:

2022-02-21T02:19:51-05:00 INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
another-redis-desktop-manager 1.5.1 from shibo (qii404) installed

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager (Redis GUI client)

Once the GUI client has been installed using any of the above methods, start it either from the App Menu or using the terminal.

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client

The Redis GUI client will start as below. Create a new connection to your Redis server

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 1

With the above details provided, connect to the Redis server and the connection will appear as below.

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 3

Switch to the dark mode on this GUI tool as below.

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 4

Now you can access the Redis console and run commands.

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 5

Sample Redis commands.

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 6

Once you run commands, keys are automatically created. However, you can also create a new key as below. For example, create a list with the name mylist as below.

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 7

The list contains names added by clicking Add New Line

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 8

Once created, can view the list via the command line using the command:

lrange mylist 0 -1

Sample Output:

Manage Redis using Redis Desktop Manager – Redis GUI client 9

That is it! We have successfully installed the Redis using Redis Desktop Manager and connected to a Redis Server. Now you can perform various activities to Redis using the GUI tool. I hope this was significant to you.

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