Saturday, September 21, 2024
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HomeData Modelling & AISlides & Demos from Music City Data

Slides & Demos from Music City Data

This week I have been in Nashville, Tennessee, for Music City Tech. I spoke in the Music City Data portion of the event, and presented a session on T-SQL : Bad Habits and Best Practices.

You can download the materials below. Since this was an abbreviated session (50 minutes), there are a few slides marked with orange dots, which represent slides I skipped during the session. Additional demos are available too, however most require Azure Data Studio because they’re assembled in a single notebook.

Aaron (@AaronBertrand) is a Data Platform MVP with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog,

Aaron’s blog focuses on T-SQL bad habits and best practices, as well as coverage of updates and new features in Plan Explorer, SentryOne, and SQL Server.


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