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HomeLanguagesLaravel 10|9|8 OneSignal Web Push Notification Example

Laravel 10|9|8 OneSignal Web Push Notification Example

Laravel 10|9|8 oneSignal web push notification (🔔) example. In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate and use oneSignal in Laravel 10|9|8 apps to send web push notifications 🔔.

First of all, please visit the website then create an account here and get secret id and key to creating Laravel send web push notifications using onesignal.

Laravel 10|9|8 OneSignal Web Push Notification (🔔) Example

Steps to send web push notifications from the Laravel application using the OneSignal messaging service

  • Step 1 – Install Laravel App
  • Step 2 – Configure Database with App
  • Step 3 – Install OneSignal Package
  • Step 4 – Configure OneSignal Package
  • Step 5 – Send Push Notification
  • Step 6 – Run Development Server

Step 1 – Install Laravel App

First of all, open terminal or cmd and execute the following command on terminal to install or download Laravel app:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel push-notification

Step 2 – Configure Database with App

In this step, open .env and configure database details for connecting app to database:

DB_DATABASE=here your database name here
DB_USERNAME=here database username here
DB_PASSWORD=here database password here

And as well as, configure a .env file with following keys:


Step 3 – Install OneSignal Package

In this step, Execute the following command terminal to install onesignal package to send web push notifications (🔔) in laravel app:

composer require ladumor/one-signal

Publish the config file
Run the following command to publish config file,

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ladumor\OneSignal\OneSignalServiceProvider"

Step 4 – Configure OneSignal Package

Once you have installed a onesignal web push notification package in the laravel app. Next, open config/app.php file and add service providers and aliases into app.php file.

Add Provider
Add the provider to your config/app.php into provider section if using lower version of Laravel,


Add Facade
Add the Facade to your config/app.php into aliases section,

'OneSignal' => \Ladumor\OneSignal\OneSignal::class,

Step 5 – Send Push Notification

In this step, you need to checkout this code to send a push notification 🔔 in laravel app using oneSignal web push notification:

use Ladumor\OneSignal\OneSignal;
$fields['include_player_ids'] = ['xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-yyyyy']
$message = 'hey!! This is a test push.!'
OneSignal::sendPush($fields, $message);

Step 6 – Run Development Server

Now, execute the following command on the terminal to start the development server:

php artisan serve


Laravel oneSignal web push notification example. In this tutorial, you have learned how to use oneSignal in laravel 10|9|8 app to send web push notifications 🔔.

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