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Crack the Coding Interview With GeeksforGeeks Weekly Coding Contest

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice”, quoted by Vladamir Horowitz. What he said was nothing sort of unique as achieving perfection and success in your programming career can only be done by practicing programming questions till you ace them smoothly. This is where neveropen dive along with you to help you become the ace you want to be through our GFG Weekly Coding Contest.

neveropen Interview Series


The GFG Weekly Coding Contest has been started with the aim to let student practice solving programming questions constantly without a fail. The questions are designed in such a way that they imitate the actual interview questions asked during interviews. By solving these mock practice questions, you’ll get to evaluate your potential and where you’re lacking.  Through our weekly coding contest questions, you can get your concepts cleared before sitting for the actual coding interview. 

You can ace your interview preparation by participating in our recurring GFG Weekly Coding Contest which is devised in such a way that it will mimic the coding interview rounds of top product-based companies and service-based companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, PayTm, and many more IT tech giants. 

Rewards and GFG Swags

Earn Geekbits with GFG Interview Series


  • Get a chance to win exciting prizes like GFG swags, Access to GFG Premium, T-Shirt, GFG Course coupons, etc.
  • Get 2 Geekbits for participants in a contest.
  • Be among the top 8 rankers on our monthly leaderboard; get 8 Geekbits as a bonus.
  • Get Free preparation for GFG Job-a-Thon: Hiring Challenges
  • Access to Leaderboard where you can check your monthly and overall rank.
  • You can redeem these Geekbits on our Reward Page.

Contest Details and Timeline  

1. In this weekly coding contest, you will be asked to solve 2-3 DSA-related questions within 90 minutes of the time frame, and based on the accuracy of your submission you will get the scores.

2. You can participate in an interview series every Sunday from 7 PM to 8:30 PM IST to prepare for coding interview rounds of top tech giants.

3. You can solve the questions using C++, Java, and Python programming languages.

4. Hints will be available for every interview series. But taking hints will have a negative impact on your overall score and each submission will be tested on critical test data.

5. If you want to check the previous interview series, you can check them here.

Solutions of Interview Series Problems

Check the solution to the previous GFG Weekly Coding Contest question on neveropen Practice YouTube Channel which is streamed immediately after the contest. These solutions are solved by experts and will help you analyze your shortcoming and will increase your efficiency.

GFG Interview Series Solutions

This GFG Weekly Coding Contest will surely help you to prepare well for your next Coding Interview Round by allowing you to practice with real-time interview programming questions. Also, we’re planning to cover questions from all the tech giants whether it be FAANG companies or any renowned tech startup in this series. So, don’t miss out on such a remarkable opportunity and participate in this Contest Series wholeheartedly!!

Last Updated :
29 Mar, 2024
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8 Min Read | Java




8 Min Read | Java


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