The ZipArchive::extractTo() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to extract the zip archive content in a folder.
bool ZipArchive::extractTo( string $pathto, array|string|null $files = null )
Parameters: This function accepts two parameters that are described below:
- $pathto: This parameter holds the location where you want to extract the archive files.
- $files: This parameter holds the files that you want to extract.
Return Value: This function returns “true” on success and “false” on failure.
Example 1: The following code demonstrates the extractTo() function which creates a new folder.
<?php // Create a new ZipArchive object $zip = new ZipArchive; // Check for opening the zip file if ( $zip ->open( '' )) { if ( $zip ->extractTo( 'GFG_Folder' )) { echo 'File Extracted Successfully' ; } else { echo 'Fail to Extract File' ; } // Close the zip file $zip ->close(); } // If zip file is not open/exist else { echo 'Failed to open zip file' ; } ?> |
Example 2: The following code demonstrates the extractTo() function which creates a new folder with the path “GFG_Folder/Geeks”.
<?php // Create a new ZipArchive object $zip = new ZipArchive; // Check for opening the zip file if ( $zip ->open( '' , ZipArchive::CREATE)) { $ext = $zip ->extractTo( 'GFG_Folder/Geeks' ); if ( $ext ) { echo 'File Extracted Successfully' ; } else { echo 'Fail to Extract File' ; } // Close the zip file $zip ->close(); } // If zip file is not open/exist else { echo 'Failed to open zip file' ; } ?> |