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HomeLanguagesPHP | timezone_offset_get() Function

PHP | timezone_offset_get() Function

The timezone_offset_get() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the timezone offset from GMT. The date time object and the date-time are sent as a parameter to the timezone_offset_get() function and return the timezone offset in seconds on success or False on failure.


int timezone_offset_get( $object, $datetime )

Parameters: This function accepts two parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • $object: It is a mandatory parameter which specifies the DateTimeZone object.
  • $datetime: It is also a mandatory parameter which specifies the date/time from which the offset has to be computed.

Return Value: It returns the timezone offset in seconds on success or False on failure.

Exceptions: The timezone_offset_get() function is an alias of DateTimeZone::getOffset() function.

Below programs illustrate the timezone_offset_get() function in PHP:

Program 1:

// Open the timezone of America/Chicago
$timezone = timezone_open("America/Chicago");
// Displaying the offset of America/Chicago and Europe/Amsterdam
$datetime_eur = date_create("now", timezone_open("Europe/Amsterdam"));
echo timezone_offset_get($timezone, $datetime_eur);



Program 2:

// Open the timezone of America/Chicago and Europe/Amsterdam
$timezone_chicago = new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago");
$timezone_amsterdam = new DateTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam");
$chicago = new DateTime("now", $timezone_chicago);
$amsterdam = new DateTime("now", $timezone_amsterdam);
// Calculating the offset between the timezones   
$Offset = $timezone_amsterdam -> getOffset($chicago);
// Dumping the offset variable



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