The settype() function is a built-in function in PHP. The settype() function is used to the set the type of a variable. It is used to set type or modify type of an existing variable.
boolean settype($variable_name, $type)
Parameters: The settype() function accepts two parameters as shown in above syntax and are described below.
- $variable_name: This parameter specifies the name of variable
whose type we want to modify. This parameter can be of any type that is, it can be of integer type or a string type etc. - $type: This parameter specifies the type of variable that is needed. Possible values of this parameter are: boolean, integer, float, string, array, object, null.
Return value: This function returns a boolean type value. It returns TRUE in case of success and FALSE in case of failure.
Below programs illustrate the settype() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // PHP program to illustrate settype() function $var1 = "123xyz" ; $var2 = 3; $r = true; settype( $var1 , "integer" ); settype( $var2 , "float" ); settype( $r , "string" ); echo $var1 . "\n" ; echo $var2 . "\n" ; echo $r . "\n" ; ?> |
123 3 1
Program 2:
<?php // PHP program to illustrate settype() function $var1 = "a12b" ; $var2 = 3.566; $r = true; settype( $var1 , "integer" ); settype( $var2 , "integer" ); settype( $r , "string" ); echo $var1 . "\n" ; echo $var2 . "\n" ; echo $r . "\n" ; ?> |
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