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PHP ImagickDraw Functions Complete Reference

The ImagickDraw class is used to draw the vector-based image using ImageMagick. The vector-based generated image can be saved into the file.


bool ImagickDraw::s()

Example: Below program illustrates the ImagickDraw::point() Function in PHP:


// Create an ImagickDraw object
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
// Set the filled color
// Use loop to draw 10000 points in given area
for ($x = 0; $x < 10000; $x++) {
    $draw->point(rand(0, 300), rand(0, 300));
// Create an Imagick object
$imagick = new \Imagick();
// Set the new image size
$imagick->newImage(300, 300, 'white');
// Set the image format
// Function to draw the image
header("Content-Type: image/png");
// Display the output image
echo $imagick->getImageBlob();



The list of complete ImagickDraw functions are given below:



ImagickDraw::annotation() Draw the text on the image.
ImagickDraw::arc() It is used to draw an arc.
ImagickDraw::bezier() It is used to draw bezier curves.
ImagickDraw::circle() It is used to draw a circle.
ImagickDraw::getStrokeOpacity() Return the opacity of stroked object outlines.
ImagickDraw::getStrokeWidth() Return the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines.
ImagickDraw::line() It is used to draw a line.
ImagickDraw::point() It is used to draw a point.
ImagickDraw::polygon() Draw a polygon using the specified array of coordinates.
ImagickDraw::polyline() Draw a polyline using the current stroke, stroke width, and fill color or texture, using the specified array of coordinates.
ImagickDraw::rectangle() It is used to draw a rectangle.
ImagickDraw::rotate() Apply the specified rotation to the current coordinate space.
ImagickDraw::roundRectangle() Draw a rounded rectangle.
ImagickDraw::scale() Adjust the scaling factor to apply in the horizontal and vertical directions to the current coordinate space.
ImagickDraw::setFillColor() Set the fill color to be used for drawing.
ImagickDraw::setFillOpacity() Set the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture.
ImagickDraw::setFont() Set the fully-specified font to use when annotating with text.
ImagickDraw::setFontFamily() Set the font family to use when annotating with text.
ImagickDraw::setFontSize() Set the font point size. It is used when annotating text.
ImagickDraw::setFontStyle() Set the font style to use when annotating with text.
ImagickDraw::setFontWeight() It is used to set the font weight.
ImagickDraw::setGravity() Set the text placement gravity when annotating with text.
ImagickDraw::setStrokeAlpha() Specify the opacity of stroked object outlines.
ImagickDraw::setStrokeColor() Set the color used for stroking object outlines.
ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineJoin() The corners of paths when they are stroked.
ImagickDraw::setStrokeMiterLimit() Specify the miter limit of the stroke
ImagickDraw::setStrokeOpacity() The value of opacity lies between 0 to 1.
ImagickDraw::setStrokeWidth() Set the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines.
ImagickDraw::setTextAlignment() Specify a text alignment that can be left, center or right.
ImagickDraw::setTextAntialias() Control whether the text is antialiased. The text is antialiased by default.
ImagickDraw::setTextDecoration() Decoration is to be applied when annotating with text.
ImagickDraw::setTextUnderColor() Set the color of a background rectangle to place under text annotations.
ImagickDraw::setViewbox() Set the overall canvas size.
ImagickDraw::skewX() Skews the current coordinate system in the horizontal direction.
ImagickDraw::skewY() Skews the current coordinate system in the vertical direction.
ImagickDraw::translate() Apply a translation to the current coordinate system.


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