The Ds\Vector::allocate() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to allocate enough memory for a required capacity. It provides the custom size of the vector to allocate space.
void public Ds\Vector::allocate( $capacity )
Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $capacity which holds the space to be allocated.
Note: Capacity will remain the same if this value is less than or equal to the current capacity.
Return Value: This function does not return any value.
Below programs illustrate the Ds\Vector::allocate() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // Declare new vector $vector = new \Ds\Vector(); echo ( "Allocated Space is: " ); // Use capacity() function var_dump( $vector ->capacity()); echo ( "Allocated space is: " ); // Use allocate() function to // allocate capacity $vector ->allocate(50); // Display the allocated vector // capacity var_dump( $vector ->capacity()); ?> |
Allocated Space is: int(8) Allocated space is: int(50)
Program 2:
<?php // Declare new vector $vector = new \Ds\Vector(); echo ( "Allocated Space is: " ); // Use capacity() function var_dump( $vector ->capacity()); echo ( "Allocated space is: " ); // Use allocate() function to // allocate capacity $vector ->allocate(5); // Display the Vector capacity var_dump( $vector ->capacity()); // Use allocate() function to // allocate capacity $vector ->allocate(120); // Display the Vector capacity var_dump( $vector ->capacity()); ?> |
Allocated Space is: int(8) Allocated space is: int(8) int(120)