Everyone knows and understands that storing the password in a clear text in the database is a quite rude thing and not secure. Yet, several do it because it makes an internet site quite easy for password recovery or testing.
The bcrypt is a password hashing technique used to build password security. It is used to protect the password from hacking attacks because of the password is stored in bcrypted format.
The password_hash() function in PHP is an inbuilt function which is used to create a new password hash. It uses a strong & robust hashing algorithm. The password_hash() function is very much compatible with the crypt() function. Therefore, password hashes created by crypt() may be used with password_hash() and vice-versa. The functions password_verify() and password_hash() just the wrappers around the function crypt(), and they make it much easier to use it accurately.
string password_hash( $password, $algo, $options )
The following algorithms are currently supported by password_hash() function:
Parameters: This function accepts three parameters as mentioned above and described below:
- password: It stores the password of the user.
- algo: It is the password algorithm constant that is used continuously while denoting the algorithm which is to be used when the hashing of password takes place.
- options: It is an associative array, which contains the options. If this is removed and doesn’t include, a random salt is going to be used, and the utilization of a default cost will happen.
Return Value: It returns the hashed password on success or False on failure.
Input : echo password_hash("GFG@123", PASSWORD_DEFAULT); Output : $2y$10$.vGA19Jh8YrwSJFDodbfoHJIOFH)DfhuofGv3Fykk1a
Below programs illustrate the passwor_hash() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php echo password_hash( "GFG@123" , PASSWORD_DEFAULT); ?> |
Program 2:
<?php $options = [ 'cost' => 12, ]; echo password_hash( "GFG@123" , PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $options ); ?> |
Program 3:
<?php $timeTarget = 0.069; // 69 milliseconds $cost = 8; do { $cost ++; $start = microtime(true); password_hash( "test" , PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [ "cost" => $cost ]); $end = microtime(true); } while (( $end - $start ) < $timeTarget ); echo "The appropriate cost is: " . $cost ; ?> |
The appropriate cost is: 10
Program 4:
<?php echo 'Argon2i hash: ' . password_hash( 'GFG@123' , PASSWORD_ARGON2I); ?> |
Argon2i hash: $argon2i$v=19$m=1024,t=2,p=2$YUNvTkJBT2dEejQuUVQvRQ$+96jm/eISqZ7+P9n0DrsBf25piwfnLRy2Yy1VYmb9iI
Reference: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.password-hash.php