The timezone_identifiers_list() function is used to generate a dropdown list of timezone with PHP. This function is used to return an indexed array containing all the timezone identifiers. The datetimezone object is sent as a parameter to the timezone_identifiers_list() function and it returns an indexed array on success or False on failure. This function is an alias of DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() function.
The timezone_identifiers_list() function uses its timezone constants and country to display a list of timezone independently.
Such that the possible values for timezone constants are:
1 = AFRICA | 2 = AMERICA | 4 = ANTARCTICA | 8 = ARCTIC | 16 = ASIA | 32 = ATLANTIC | 64 = AUSTRALIA | 128 = EUROPE | 256 = INDIAN | 512 = PACIFIC | 1024 = UTC | 2047 = ALL | 4095 = ALL_WITH_BC | 4096 = PER_COUNTRY
array timezone_identifiers_list( int $datetimezone, string $country )
Example 1: This example illustrates how to select the timezone listed in dropdown using timezone identifiers.
<?php function select_Timezone( $selected = '' ) { // Create a list of timezone $OptionsArray = timezone_identifiers_list(); $select = '<select name= "SelectContacts" > <option disabled selected> Please Select Timezone </option>'; while (list ( $key , $row ) = each ( $OptionsArray ) ){ $select .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' ; $select .= ( $key == $selected ? : '' ); $select .= '>' . $row . '</option>' ; } $select .= '</select>' ; return $select ; } echo select_Timezone() . '<br>' ; ?> |
Example 2: This example illustrates how to select the timezone listed in dropdown using timezone identifiers.
<?php // Create a timezone identifiers $timezone_identifiers = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::ALL); echo "<select>" ; echo "<option disabled selected> Please Select Timezone </option>"; $n = 425; for ( $i = 0; $i < $n ; $i ++) { // Print the timezone identifiers echo "<option value='" . $timezone_identifiers [ $i ] . "'>" . $timezone_identifiers [ $i ] . "</option>" ; } echo "</select>" ; ?> |
Example 3: This example illustrates the dropdown with list of TimeZone using DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers (DateTimeZone::ALL) along with range() function.
<?php $timezone_identifiers = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::ALL); $Africa = range(0, 51); $America = range(52, 198); $Asia = range(211, 292); $tz_stamp = time(); echo "<center><select style='padding:20px; font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace; width: 450px;border:2px solid #a09; outline: none;'>"; echo "<option style='color:#FFF;font-family:Cambria; background-color:#a09;'><h3>Africa</h3> </option>"; foreach ( $Africa as $x ) { $tzone [ $x ] = date_default_timezone_set( $timezone_identifiers [ $x ]); echo "<option>" . $timezone_identifiers [ $x ] . ' @ ' . date ( 'P' , $tz_stamp ); "</option>" ; } echo "<option style='color:#FFF;font-family:Cambria; background-color:#a09;font-size:15px;'> <h3>America</h3></option>"; foreach ( $America as $x ) { $tzone [ $x ] = date_default_timezone_set( $timezone_identifiers [ $x ]); echo "<option>" . $timezone_identifiers [ $x ] . ' @ ' . date ( 'P' , $tz_stamp ); "</option>" ; } echo "<option style='color:#FFF;font-family:Cambria; background-color:#a09;font-size:15px;'> <h3>Asia</h3></option>"; foreach ( $Asia as $x ) { $tzone [ $x ] = date_default_timezone_set( $timezone_identifiers [ $x ]); echo "<option>" . $timezone_identifiers [ $x ] . ' @ ' . date ( 'P' , $tz_stamp ); "</option>" ; } echo "</select></center>" ; ?> |