The openssl_pbkdf2() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that implements the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) algorithm provided by the OpenSSL library. The algorithm is designed to be slow and computationally intensive, making it resistant to brute-force attacks.
openssl_pbkdf2( string $password, string $salt, int $key_length, int $iterations, string $digest_algo = "sha1" ) : string|false
Parameters: This function accepts five parameters that are described below:
- $password: The password that the key should be derived from.
- $salt: A random salt value that should be used to help make the derived key unique.
- $key_length: The length (in bytes) of the derived key.
- $iterations: The number of iterations to use when deriving the key. More iterations will make the algorithm slower but also more secure.
- $digest_algo: The digest algorithm to use when deriving the key. This should be one of the supported OpenSSL digest algorithms, such as “sha256” or “sha512”.
Return Value: The return value of openssl_pbkdf2() is a binary string containing the derived key. If failure, it will return “false”.
Example 1: The following example demonstrates the openssl_pbkdf2() function.
<?php $password = "this@ismypassword55839459144595" ; // Saved hash from a previous run $savedHash = "MjY4YjRkZDc1YzAzNzYzZGMwZDEzYjI3NmVlM2ZkNTE=" ; $decodedHash = base64_decode ( $savedHash ); if (openssl_pbkdf2( $password , $decodedHash , 32, 10000, "sha256" ) === $decodedHash ) { echo "Password is valid." ; } else { echo "Password is invalid." ; } ?> |
Password is invalid.
Example 2: The following example demonstrates the openssl_pbkdf2() function.
<?php $userID = 'user123' ; $deviceID = 'device456' ; $secretKey = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); $salt = $userID . $deviceID ; $iterations = 50000; $keyLength = 64; $secureToken = openssl_pbkdf2( $secretKey , $salt , $keyLength , $iterations , 'sha512' ); // Display the secure token echo "Secure Token: " . base64_encode ( $secureToken ) . "\n" ; ?> |
Secure Token: LWL+RuQr+TmOysJt8CBrKu5yC8vk2f9aMBH9y1xK82Nz4dDd88dd+8QqssBgoMDnGD9D5kTcmAlldzz7hUStjw==