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HomeLanguagesPHP mb_ereg_replace() Function

PHP mb_ereg_replace() Function

The mb_ereg_replace() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to search & replace a string using the regular expression. This function is similar to the preg_match() but works on the multibyte string.


mb_ereg_replace( $pattern, $replacement, $string, $options = null): string|false|null

Parameters: The following function accepts four parameters that are described below.

  • $pattern: This parameter used regular expression. It must be a valid regular expression.
  • $replacement: The string that is replaced according to the pattern.
  • $string:  This is the string where we search our pattern.
  • $option:  This is an optional parameter that is used for the matching option. Example ‘i’ for case insensitive and ‘m’ for multiline characters or ‘s’ for matching across lines.

Return Values: This function returns the resulting string if the function successfully executes otherwise it will return “false” on error.

Example 1: The following program demonstrates the mb_ereg_replace() function.


$pattern = "[g]";
$replace = "G";
$return = mb_ereg_replace($pattern, $replace, "neveropen");



Example 2: The following program demonstrates the mb_ereg_replace() function.


$pattern = "[neveropen]";
$replace = "Geeks";
$return = mb_ereg_replace($pattern, $replace, "neveropen");




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