The ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineCap() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to set the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
bool ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineCap( int $linecap )
Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $linecap which holds an integer value corresponding to one of LINECAP constants.
List of LINECAP constants are given below:
- imagick::LINECAP_UNDEFINED (0)
- imagick::LINECAP_BUTT (1)
- imagick::LINECAP_ROUND (2)
- imagick::LINECAP_SQUARE (3)
Return Value: This function returns TRUE on success.
Exceptions: This function throws ImagickException on error.
Below programs illustrate the ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineCap() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // Create a new ImagickDraw object $draw = new ImagickDraw(); // Set the stroke line cap $draw ->setStrokeLineCap(2); // Get the stroke line cap $lineCap = $draw ->getStrokeLineCap(); echo $lineCap ; ?> |
2 // Which corresponds to imagick::LINECAP_ROUND
Program 2:
<?php // Create a new ImagickDraw object $draw = new ImagickDraw(); // Create a new imagick object $imagick = new Imagick(); // Create a image on imagick object $imagick ->newImage(800, 250, 'grey' ); // Create a new ImagickDraw object $draw = new ImagickDraw(); // Set the color of stroke $draw ->setStrokeColor( 'red' ); // Set stroke width $draw ->setStrokeWidth(3); // Set the font size $draw ->setFontSize(25); // Set the stroke dash array $draw ->setStrokeDashArray([20]); // Set the stroke line cap $draw ->setStrokeLineCap(3); // Draw a circle $draw ->circle(250, 150, 330, 130); // Render the draw commands $imagick ->drawImage( $draw ); // Show the output $imagick ->setImageFormat( 'png' ); header( "Content-Type: image/png" ); echo $imagick ->getImageBlob(); ?> |