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PHP | Ds\Map reversed() Function

The Ds\Map::reversed() function in PHP is used to get a copy of the reverse of elements of a specified Map instance. That is, the function returns a copy of the Map instance with elements in reversed order. This function does not affect the current Map instance.


Ds\Map public Ds\Map::reversed ( void )

Parameters: This function does not accepts any parameter.

Return value: The function returns a copy of the current Map instance with elements in reverse order.

Below program illustrate the Ds\Map::reversed() function:


// PHP program to illustrate reversed() function
$map = new \Ds\Map([1 => 10, 2 => 20, 3 => 30]);
$reversedMap = new \Ds\Map();
// Reverse copy of the Map
$reversedMap = $map->reversed();
// Print the original Map
print("Original Map: \n");
// Print the reversed Map
print("\nReversed copy of Map: \n");


Original Map: 
Ds\Map Object
    [0] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => 1
            [value] => 10

    [1] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => 2
            [value] => 20

    [2] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => 3
            [value] => 30


Reversed copy of Map: 
Ds\Map Object
    [0] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => 3
            [value] => 30

    [1] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => 2
            [value] => 20

    [2] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => 1
            [value] => 10


Reference: http://php.net/manual/en/ds-map.reversed.php


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