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ReactJS | Basics of ES, Babel and npm

What is ES? 
ES is an abbreviation used for ECMA Script. It is a standard for different scripting languages such as JS (JavaScript) made by ECMA. 
ECMA is an abbreviation used for European Computer Manufacturers Association. It is a standard organization based out of Switzerland which takes care of ES. ES11 (2020) is updated in June 2020 and its nomenclature is like that the year in which the update is released then the name will be a year plus one such as ES10 (2019). 

In ECMA Script6 also called ES6 and ECMAScript 2015 various new features were added:

The features are listed below:

  • The let keyword
  • The const keyword
  • Arrow functions
  • Classes
  • Modules
  • The Rest Parameters
  • The Spread Operator
  • Destructuring Assignment
  • The Object Destructuring Assignment
  • Default values for Function Parameters
  • Template Literals
  • The for…of Loop

What is Babel? 
It is a term which you will listen to many times but will find it difficult to understand. I will tell you only the overview of this because manually you will not indulge in Babel but automatically things will take place by Babel. 

Babel is a free and open-source JavaScript Transcompiler that is mainly used to convert ES6 (2015) and above code into a backward compatible code that can be run by older JS engines. Babel deploys a technique called Polyfill which basically means to fill many areas. 

For more information on how to use Babel visit this link

What is npm? 
npm is an abbreviation used for the node package manager. It is a package manager for JavaScript. It is the default package manager that comes with NodeJS when you install it. It consists of a command-line interface and an online database of public packages and private packages that are paid which is called the npm Registry.

For more information on npm visit this link


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