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HomeLanguagesJavascriptHow to get the javascript function parameter names/values dynamically ?

How to get the javascript function parameter names/values dynamically ?

In this article, we are given any arbitrary JavaScript function and the task is to return the parameter names of the function. 

Approach: JavaScript contains a method called toString() which is used to represent a function code in its string representation. This method is used to get the parameter names/values. 

  • First, get the function’s code to its string equivalent using toString() method.
  • Then remove all the unnecessary codes like comments, function body, white spaces, and ES6 arrow (if any).
  • Identify the first occurrence of ‘(‘, it will be just before the starting of parameters.
  • The last character of the string will be ‘)’ which removes all comments, function body, white spaces, and ES6 arrow.
  • Also, the last character will be just after the end of the parameters.

Example: This example explains the above-explained approach.


// JavaScript program to get the function
// name/values dynamically
function getParams(func) {
    // String representation of the function code
    let str = func.toString();
    // Remove comments of the form /* ... */
    // Removing comments of the form //
    // Remove body of the function { ... }
    // removing '=>' if func is arrow function
    str = str.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g, '')
        .replace(/\/\/(.)*/g, '')
        .replace(/{[\s\S]*}/, '')
        .replace(/=>/g, '')
    // Start parameter names after first '('
    let start = str.indexOf("(") + 1;
    // End parameter names is just before last ')'
    let end = str.length - 1;
    let result = str.substring(start, end).split(", ");
    let params = [];
    result.forEach(element => {
        // Removing any default value
        element = element.replace(/=[\s\S]*/g, '').trim();
        if (element.length > 0)
    return params;
// Test sample functions
let fun1 = function (a) { };
function fun2(a = 5 * 6 / 3,
b) { };
let fun3 = (a, /*
    b, //comment
    c) => /** */ { };
console.log(`List of parameters of ${}:`,
console.log(`List of parameters of ${}:`,
console.log(`List of parameters of ${}:`,


List of parameters of fun1: [ 'a' ]
List of parameters of fun2: [ 'a', 'b' ]
List of parameters of fun3: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]


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