In this article, we are given an HTML document and the task is to get the position of any element by using JavaScript. Use the following steps to get the position:
Step 1: Selecting an element: Before finding the position, it is necessary to select the required HTML element. Every element in HTML is structured in a tree-like format known as DOM or Document Object Model. In JavaScript, there is an in-built object called the document object that points to the root of the DOM tree. It means that it is possible to access every component of the web page.
The document object has various methods available to find a particular element within the HTML page. Each of these methods has a parameter that could be used to find the required element. Some of the methods are:
- The getElementsByTagName() Method
- The getElementsByClassName() Method
- The getElementById() Method
- The getElementsByName() Method
- The querySelector() Method
- The querySelectorAll() Method
Step 2: Finding the position of the element: To get the location of any HTML element in the (x, y) coordinate format, there are two document properties that are used:
JavaScript offsetTop Property: It returns the top position in pixels, relative to the top of the parent element. It includes the top position, and margin of the element and the top padding, scrollbar, and border of its parent element.
Example: This example shows the use of the above-explained approach.
< body > < div id = "target" > < p >Click the button</ p > < button onclick = "getPoint()" > Click </ button > < p id = "output" ></ p > </ div > < script > function getPoint() { var target = document .getElementById("target"); var output = document .getElementById("output"); output.innerHTML = "offsetTop: " + target.offsetTop; } </ script > </ body > |
JavaScript offsetLeft Property: It returns the left position in pixels, relative to the left of the parent element. It includes the left position, and margin of the element and the left padding, scrollbar, and border of its parent element.
Example: This example shows the use of the offsetLeft property.
< body > < div id = "target" > < p >Click the button </ p > < button onclick = "getPoint()" > Click </ button > < p id = "output" ></ p > </ div > < script > function getPoint() { var target = document .getElementById("target"); var output = document .getElementById("output"); output.innerHTML = "offsetLeft: " + target.offsetLeft; } </ script > </ body > |
Combining both these properties into one to get the code for calculating the coordinates for an HTML element is given as follows:
< body > < div id = "target" > < p > Click the button to get the co-ordinate of the element </ p > < button onclick = "getPoint()" > Get coordinate </ button > < p id = "output" ></ p > </ div > < script > function getPoint() { var target = document .getElementById("target"); var output = document .getElementById("output"); output.innerHTML = "Co-ordinate of the element:" + " (" + target.offsetLeft + ", " + target.offsetTop + ")"; } </ script > </ body > |