In JavaScript, objects are a collection of related data. It is also a container for name-value pairs. In JavaScript, we can check the type of value in many ways. Basically, we check if a value is object-like using typeof, instanceof, constructor, and All of the operators are used in some specific conditions.
There are several methods that can be used to check if a value is object-like in JavaScript.
- typeof operator
- instanceof operator
- constructor property
- Using the Object.prototype.toString() method
We will explore all the above methods along with their basic implementation with the help of examples.
Approach 1: typeof operator:
This is used to identify the type of variable. It returns a variable type. It is the easiest way to check the type of the variable. It works for some variables, but it did not identify the exact type of variable.
Conditions: It treated array, set, and null the same as the object. typeof returns object for all of these. In the case of variables except three of this typeof is used.
typeof VariableName;
let k = { Name: 'gfg' , Country: 'India' }; let k0 = new Set() let k1 = [1, 2, 3]; let k2 = "hello" ; let k3 = null ; let k4 = undefined; console.log( typeof k); console.log( typeof k0); console.log( typeof k1); console.log( typeof k2); console.log( typeof k3); console.log( typeof k4); |
object object object string object undefined
Approach 2: instanceof operator
This is used to check if any instance is made with a certain constructor or not. It returns true if it is made with constructor else returns false. It only works for those who are wrapped in regular object types.
Condition: It treats the array and sets the same as the object. So we can use instanceof operator for all values except these two.
Variable instanceof object;
let k = { Name: 'gfg' , Country: 'India' }; let k0 = new Set() let k1 = [1, 2, 3]; let k2 = "hello" ; let k3 = null ; let k4 = undefined; console.log(k instanceof Object); console.log(k0 instanceof Object); console.log(k1 instanceof Object); console.log(k2 instanceof Object); console.log(k3 instanceof Object); console.log(k4 instanceof Object); |
true true true false false false
Approach 3: constructor property
This is the property of the variable which points to the fundamental object constructor type of that object. We can check for those variables which have constructor property.
Condition: The constructor method throw an error for variables not having constructor property. null and undefined don’t have a constructor property, so it throws an error.
Variable.constructor === Object
let k = { Name: 'gfg' , Country: 'India' }; let k0 = new Set() let k1 = [1, 2, 3]; let k2 = "hello" ; console.log(k.constructor === Object) console.log(k0.constructor === Object) console.log(k1.constructor === Object) console.log(k2.constructor === Object) |
true false false false
Approach 4: Using the Object.prototype.toString() method
In this approach, we are using the Object.prototype.toString() method to get the internal [[Class]] property of the value and compare it with “[object Object]”, determining if the value is object-like in JavaScript.
function isObjectLike(value) {
return === "[object Object]";
Example: In this Using Object.prototype.toString() method, the example checks if the value is object-like and returns true for {} and false for [], null, and “string”.
function isObjectLike(value) { return === "[object Object]" ; } console.log(isObjectLike({})); // true console.log(isObjectLike([])); // false console.log(isObjectLike( null )); // false console.log(isObjectLike( "string" )); // false |
true false false false