The toPrecision() method in TypeScript is used to return the string representation in exponential or fixed-point to the specified precision.
number.toPrecision( [ precision ] )
Parameter: It represents an integer value specifying the number of significant digits.
Return Value: The toPrecision() method in TypeScript returns a string representing a Number in fixed-point or exponential notation round to precision significant digits.
Below examples illustrate the working of toPrecision() function in TypeScript:
Example 1:
<script> // toPrecision() method var num = new Number(6.218956); console.log(num.toPrecision()); console.log(num.toPrecision(4)); console.log(num.toPrecision(3)); </script> |
6.218956 6.2189 6.21
Example 2:
<script> // toPrecision() method let myNumber: number = 32.5779; console.log( "Number Method: toPrecision()" ); console.log(myNumber.toPrecision(1)); console.log(myNumber.toPrecision(3)); </script> |
Number Method: toPrecision() 3e+1 32.6