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HomeLanguagesJavascriptp5.js abs() function

p5.js abs() function

The abs() function in p5.js is used to calculate the absolute value of a number. This function maps to the Math.abs() of javascript. A number’s absolute value is always positive.



Parameters: The function accepts only one parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • number : This parameter stores the number to compute.
  • Below program illustrates the abs() function in p5.js:

    function setup() {
        //create Canvas of size 270*80  
        createCanvas(270, 80);
    function draw() {
        //initialize the parameter  
        let x = -11;
        //call to abs() function  
        let y = abs(x);
        text("Given Number is : " + x, 50, 30);
        text("Computed Number is : " + y, 50, 50);




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