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JavaScript Method

The call() method allows function calls belonging to one object to be assigned and it is called for a different object. It provides a new value of this to the function. The call() method allows you to write a method once and allows it for inheritance in another object, without rewriting the method for the new object.

Syntax:[thisArg[, arg1, arg2, ...argN]])


  • thisArg: The values to use as this when calling myFunc function.
  • arg1, arg2, …, argN: These are the arguments for the above mentioned function.


Note: In certain cases, thisArg may not be the actual value. If the method is in non-strict mode, primitive values will be converted to objects and null,undefined will be replaced with the global object.


Return value: It returns the specified this value and arguments as a result of calling of the function.

Example 1: The following example demonstrates the use of calling to chain constructors for an object.



function Product(name,
     price) { = name;
    this.price = price;
  function Vehicle(name,
           price) {,
           name, price);
    this.category = 'vehicle';
  function Restaurant(name,
           price) {,
           name, price);
    this.category = 'restaurant';
  const car = new Vehicle('Suzuki',
  const restau = new
        Restaurant('KFC', 1000);


Example 2: The following example demonstrates the use of call() method to invoke an anonymous function.


const Birds = [
    { species: 'Pigeon', name: 'King' },
    { species: 'Crow', name: 'Fail' }
let i=0;
  (function(i) {
    this.print = function() {
     console.log('#' + i + ' '
            + this.species
              + ': ' +;
    }).call(Birds[i], i);


#0 Pigeon: King
#1 Crow: Fail

Example 3: The following example demonstrates the use of call method to invoke a function and specifying the context for ‘this’.


function greet() {
  const reply = [this.animal,
    'typically sleep between',
        this.sleepDuration].join(' ');
  const obj = {
    animal: 'Rats',
    sleepDuration: '2 and 5 hours'


 Rats typically sleep between 2 and 5 hours

Example 4: The following example demonstrates the use of call() method to invoke a function without specifying the first argument.


var str = 'Brad';
function display() {
  console.log('string value is %s ',


 string value is Brad

Note: In strict mode, the value of this will be undefined.


'use strict';
var str = 'Brad';
function display() {
  console.log('str value is %s ',


Cannot read property 'str' of undefined

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