The Javascript ArrayBuffer.isView() is an inbuilt function in JavaScript that is used to check whether the given argument for the function is a typed array or not.
Parameters: It accepts a parameter either in the form of a typed array or something else.
Return Values: It returns true if the parameter is typed array otherwise returns false.
Example 1: In this example, we will see the use of ArrayBuffer.isView() using Int32Array() method.
// Creation of ArrayBuffer having a size in bytes let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(12); // Use of ArrayBuffer.isView function A = ArrayBuffer.isView( new Int32Array()) console.log(A); |
Note: Here output is true because Int32Array is a typed array.
Example 2: In this example, we will see the use of ArrayBuffer.isView().
// Creation of ArrayBuffer having size in bytes let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(12); // Use of ArrayBuffer.isView function A = ArrayBuffer.isView(); B = ArrayBuffer.isView( null ); C = ArrayBuffer.isView(undefined); // Printing the result console.log(A); console.log(B); console.log(C); |
false false false
Note: Here output is false because the above arguments are not typed arrays.
List of the typed array:
- Int8Array();
- Uint8Array();
- Uint8ClampedArray();
- Int16Array();
- Uint16Array();
- Int32Array();
- Uint32Array();
- Float32Array();
- Float64Array();
We have a complete list of Javascript Array methods, to check those please go through this Javascript Array Complete reference article.
Supported Browser:
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari