Lodash is a JavaScript library that works on the top of underscore.js. Lodash helps in working with arrays, strings, objects, numbers, etc. It provides us with various inbuilt functions and uses a functional programming approach which makes coding in JavaScript easier to understand because instead of writing repetitive functions, tasks can be accomplished with a single line of code.
Methods |
Description |
_.attempt() | It attempts to invoke ‘func’ and return either result or caught error object. |
_.bindAll() | It is used to bind the number of methods on the object. |
_.cond() | It creates a function that iterates over pairs and invokes the corresponding function of the first predicate. |
_.conforms() | It calls the predicate properties of the source with the analogous property values of a stated object. |
_.constant() | It creates a function that returns value. |
_.defaultTo() | It checks the given value and determine if a default value should be restored in its place. |
_.flow() | It creates a new composite function that invokes the provided functions. |
_.flowRight() | It creates a new composite function that invokes the provided functions from right to left |
_.identity() | It returns the first argument it receives. |
_.iteratee() | It creates a function that invokes func with the arguments of the created function. |
_.matches() | It performs a partial deep comparison between a given object and source. |
_.matchesProperty() | It performs a partial deep comparison between the value at path of a given object to srcValue. |
_.method() | It creates a function that invokes the method at the path of a given object. |
_.methodOf() | It creates a function that invokes the method at a given path of the object. |
_.mixin() | It adds all own enumerable string keyed function properties of a source object to the destination object. |
_.noConflict() | It reverts the variable to its former value. |
_.noop() | It returns “undefined” irrespective of the arguments passed to it. |
_.nthArg() | It creates a function that gets the argument at index n. |
_.over() | It creates a function that invokes iteratee with the arguments it receives. |
_.overEvery() | It checks if all the predicates return truth when invoked with the received arguments. |
_.overSome() | It checks if any of the predicates return truthy when invoked with the received arguments. |
_.property() | It returns a function that will return the specified property of any passed-in object. |
_.propertyOf() | It takes an object as an argument and returns a function that will return the value of a provided property. |
_.range() | It creates an array of numbers progressing from the given start value up to given, but not including end value. |
_.rangeRight() | It creates an array of numbers progressing from the given start value to the given, but not including end value. |
_.runInContext() | It creates a new lodash function using the given context object. |
_.stubArray() | It is used to create a new empty array. |
_.stubFalse() | It is used to always return a false value. |
_.stubObject() | It is used to create and return an empty object. |
_.stubString() | It returns an empty string. |
_.stubTrue() | It is used to return a true value. |
_.times() | It invokes the iteratee n times, returning an array of the results of each invocation. |
_.toPath() | It converts the given value to a property path array. |
_.uniqueId() | It creates an unique id for some element each time. |