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JavaScript Programs

JavaScript Programs contains list of articles based on programming. This article contains wide collection of programming articles based on Numbers, Maths, Arrays, Strings, …, etc. that are mostly asked in interviews.

JavaScript Basic Programs

This section contains basic programming articles for beginners level.

S. No. Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Add Two Numbers
2 JavaScript Program for Multiplication of Two Numbers
3 JavaScript Program to Add Float Numbers
4 JavaScript Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even
5 JavaScript Program to Check if a number is Positive, Negative, or Zero
6 JavaScript Program to Swap Two Variables
7 JavaScript Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers
8 JavaScript Program for Armstrong Numbers
9 JavaScript Program to Check for Palindrome Number
10 JavaScript Program to Find the Area of Triangle
11 JavaScript Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

JavaScript Number Programs

This section contains wide collection of Number based programs. JavaScript Number contains different types of numbers and their values.

S. No. Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Generate Random Number in Given Range
2 Javascript Program to Check Prime Number
3 JavaScript Program to Find Largest of Three Numbers
4 JavaScript Program to Print All Prime Numbers in an Interval
5 JavaScript Program to Check if Two Numbers have Same Last Digit
6 JavaScript Program to Guess Number
7 JavaScript Program to Split a Number into Individual Digits
8 JavaScript Program to Find the Missing Number
9 JavaScript Program to Find the Factors of a Number
10 JavaScript Program to Print All Prime Numbers in an Interval

JavaScript Math Programs

This section contains wide collection of Mathematical based programs. JavaScript Maths contains mathematical operation on numbers.

S. No. Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Compute Power of a Number
2 JavaScript Program to Find the Square Root
3 JavaScript Program to Solve Quadratic Equations
4 Program to Convert Km/hr to miles/hr and vice versa
5 JavaScript Program for Factorial of a Number
6 JavaScript Program to Print Multiplication Table of a Number
7 JavaScript Program to Print Fibonacci Series
8 JavaScript Program to Find GCD or HCF of Two Numbers
9 JavaScript Program to Find LCM of Two Numbers
10 JavaScript Program to Find the Factors of a Number
11 JavaScript Program to Shuffle Deck of Cards
12 JavaScript Program to Display Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion
13 JavaScript Program to Find Factorial of a Number using Recursion
14 JavaScript Program to Convert Decimal to Binary
15 JavaScript Program to Find Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion
16 JavaScript Program to Convert a Float Number to Whole Number
17 JavaScript Program to Find the Quotient and Remainder by Dividing an Integer
18 JavaScript Program to Convert a Negative Number to Positive
19 JavaScript Program to Round off a Number to Next Multiple of 5
20 JavaScript Program to Find Factorial of a Number
21 JavaScript Program to Perform Simple Mathematical Calculation
22 JavaScript Program to Calculate nPr (Permutations)

JavaScript Array Programs

This section contains wide collection of articles based on array programming. JavaScript Array is a single variable that is used to store elements of different data types. JavaScript arrays are zero-indexed.

S. No Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Get the First and Last Item in an Array
2 JavaScript Program to Add New Elements at the Beginning of an Array
3 JavaScript Program to Remove Elements from an Array
4 JavaScript Program to Reverse an Array
5 JavaScript Program to Empty an Array
6 JavaScript Program to Check Whether an Array Includes a Particular Value or Not
7 JavaScript Program to Insert an Item into an Array at Specific Index
8 JavaScript Program to Convert a Number into Array
9 JavaScript Program to Find the Sum of All Elements of Given Array
10 JavaScript Program to Sort Words in Alphabetical Order
11 JavaScript Program to Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array
12 JavaScript Program to Find Common Items from Two Arrays
13 JavaScript Program to Replace an Item from an Array
14 JavaScript Program to Check Object is an Array or Not
15 JavaScript Program to Generate a Range of Numbers and Characters
16 JavaScript Program to Find Duplicate Elements in an Array
17 JavaScript Program to Sort Numeric Array
18 JavaScript Program to Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array
19 JavaScript Program to Get All Unique Values (Remove Duplicates) in an Array
20 JavaScript Program to Add Elements to an Existing Array Dynamically
21 JavaScript Program to Merge Two Arrays and Remove Duplicate Items
22 JavaScript Program to Sort Array of Objects by String Property Value
23 JavaScript Program to Create Two Dimensional Array
24 JavaScript Program to Splice an Array Without Mutating the Original Array
25 JavaScript Program to Extract Value of a Property as Array from Array of Objects
26 JavaScript Program to Compare Two Arrays
27 JavaScript Program to Select a Random Element from Array
28 JavaScript Program to Create an Array using Intersection of two Arrays
29 JavaScript Program to Split an Array into Chunks
30 JavaScript Program to Convert Comma Separated String to Array
31 JavaScript Program to Copy Array Items into Another Array
32 JavaScript Program to Find the Array Index with a Value
33 JavaScript Program to Merge Two Arrays and Remove Duplicate Items
34 JavaScript Program to Count Occurrences of All Items in an Array
35 JavaScript Program to Filter the Non-unique Values in an Array
36 JavaScript Program to Get N Largest Elements from an Array
37 JavaScript Program to Clone an Array
38 JavaScript Program to find Smallest Difference Triplet from Three Arrays
39 JavaScript Program to Find Shortest Distance Between Two Words in an Array of Words
40 JavaScript Program to Find the Most Frequently Occurring Element in an Array
41 JavaScript Program to Find Maximum Profit by Buying and Selling a Share at Most Twice using Array
42 JavaScript Program to Calculate the Cumulative Sum of Elements in an Array
43 JavaScript Program to Merge Two Arrays Without Creating a New Array
44 JavaScript Program for K-th Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray
45 JavaScript Program to Construct an Array from its pair-sum Array
46 JavaScript Program to Check if an Array Contains only Unique Values
47 JavaScript Program to Find the Most Frequent Element in an Array
48 JavaScript Program for Left Rotate by One in an Array
49 Find the Rotation Count in Rotated Sorted array in JavaScript

JavaScript String Programs

This section contains the wilde collection of articles based on String programs. JavaScript String Object is a sequence of characters. It contains zero or more characters within single or double quotes.

S. No. Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Count Words of a String
2 JavaScript Program to Check if a String Contains any Whitespace Characters
3 JavaScript Program to Reverse a String
4 JavaScript Program to Replace All Occurrences of a String
5 JavaScript Program to Check if a String Starts With Another String
6 JavaScript Program to Create Multi Line Strings
7 JavaScript Program to Format Numbers as Currency String
8 JavaScript Program to Trim a String at Beginning or Ending
9 JavaScript Program to Delete First Character of a String
10 JavaScript Program to Get the Last Character of a String
11 JavaScript Program to Convert an Object to String
12 JavaScript Program to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring
13 JavaScript Program to Compare Strings
14 JavaScript Program to Encode/Decode String to Base64
15 JavaScript Program to Replace Characters of a String
16 JavaScript Program to Check Whether a Passed String is Palindrome or Not
17 JavaScript Program to Replace Characters of a String
18 JavaScript Program to Get the Number of Occurrences of Each Letter in Specified String
19 JavaScript Program to Generate a Random String
20 JavaScript Program to Make First Letter of a String Uppercase
21 JavaScript Program to Get the Number of Vowels in a String
22 JavaScript Program to Remove Spaces from a String
23 JavaScript Program to Count String Occurrence in String
24 JavaScript Program to Compare the Case Insensitive Strings
25 JavaScript Program to Generate All Combinations of a String
26 JavaScript Program to Find Unique Characters of a String
27 JavaScript Program to Convert User Input String into Regular Expression
28 JavaScript Program to Convert Comma Separated String to Array
29 JavaScript Program to Strip All Non-numeric Characters from String
30 JavaScript Program to Convert String to Title Case
31 JavaScript Program to Remove All Non-ASCII Characters from the String
32 JavaScript Program to Convert String into Float
33 JavaScript Program to Check Whether a String Contains a Substring
34 JavaScript Program to Split Multiline String into an Array of Lines
35 JavaScript Program to Find the Longest Word Within the String
36 JavaScript Program to Get Nth Occurrence of a String
37 JavaScript Program to Replace All Dots in a String
38 JavaScript Program to Check a Given String is an Anagram of Another String
39 JavaScript Program to Check if String Follows Order of Characters Defined by a Pattern or Not
40 JavaScript Program to Extract Email Addresses from a String
41 JavaScript Program to Check if a String Contains Any Digit Characters
42 JavaScript Program to Count the Occurrences of Each Character
43 JavaScript Program to Find i’th Index Character in a Binary String Obtained After n Iterations
44 JavaScript Program to find Smallest and Largest Word in a String
45 JavaScript PRogram to Find Minimum Number of Manipulations to Make Two Strings Anagram Without Deletion of Character
46 JavaScript Program to Get All Substrings of the Given String

JavaScript Linked List Programs

This section contains wide collection of articles based on Liked list data structure in JavaScript. A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations.

S. No. Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Implement a Linked List
2 JavaScript Program For Searching An Element In A Linked List
3 JavaScriptt Program For Inserting A Node In A Linked List
4 JavaScript Program For Inserting Node In The Middle Of The Linked List
5 JavaScript Program For Writing A Function To Delete A Linked List
6 JavaScript Program For Deleting A Linked List Node At A Given Position
7 JavaScript Program For Finding Length Of A Linked List
8 JavaScript Program For Rotating A Linked List
9 JavaScript Program For Making Middle Node Head In A Linked List
10 JavaScript Program For Removing Duplicates From An Unsorted Linked List
11 JavaScript Program For Swapping Nodes In A Linked List Without Swapping Data
12 JavaScript Program To Delete Middle Of Linked List
13 JavaScript Program To Delete Alternate Nodes Of A Linked List
14 JavaScript Program For Finding Intersection Point Of Two Linked Lists
15 JavaScript Program For Finding The Middle Element Of A Given Linked List
16 JavaScript Program For Cloning A Linked List With Next And Random Pointer In O(1) Space
17 JavaScript Program For Cloning A Linked List With Next And Random Pointer-Set 2
18 JavaScript Program For Reversing Alternate K Nodes In A Singly Linked List
19 JavaScript Program For Deleting A Given Node In Linked List Under Given Constraints
20 JavaScript Program For Alternating Split Of A Given Singly Linked List- Set 1
21 JavaScript Program For Reversing A Linked List In Groups Of Given Size – Set 1
22 JavaScript Program For Reversing A Linked List In Groups Of Given Size- Set 2
23 JavaScript Program For Writing A Function To Get Nth Node In A Linked List
24 JavaScript Program For Rearranging A Given Linked List In-Place
25 JavaScript Program To Check If Two Linked Lists Are Identical
26 JavaScript Program For Selecting A Random Node From A Singly Linked List
27 JavaScript Program For Removing Duplicates From A Sorted Linked List
28 JavaScript Program For Pointing Arbit Pointer To Greatest Value Right Side Node In A Linked List
29 JavaScript Program For Removing Every K-th Node Of The Linked List
30 JavaScript Program For Finding The Length Of Loop In Linked List
31 JavaScript Program For Segregating Even And Odd Nodes In A Linked List
 32 JavaScript Program For Adding 1 To A Number Represented As Linked List
33  JavaScript Program For Adding Two Numbers Represented By Linked Lists- Set 2
34  JavaScript Program To Check If A Singly Linked List Is Palindrome
35 JavaScript Program To Find Decimal Equivalent Of Binary Linked List
36 JavaScript Program To Multiply Two Numbers Represented By Linked Lists
37 JavaScript Program For Insertion Sort In A Singly Linked List
38 JavaScript Program For Merge Sort Of Linked Lists
39 Javascript Program For Finding Intersection Point Of Two Linked Lists
39 JavaScript Program to Implement Doubly Linked List
40 JavaScript Program to Traverse Doubly Linked List
41 JavaScript Program For Insert Operation in Doubly Linked List
42 JavaScript Program For Rotate Doubly linked list by N nodes
43 JavaScript Program For Deleting A Node In A Doubly Linked List
 44 JavaScript Program For Delete Operations in Doubly Linked List
45  JavaScript Program For Reversing A Doubly Linked List
46  JavaScript Program For Quick Sort On Doubly Linked List
47  JavaScript Program For Merge Sort For Doubly Linked List

JavaScript Object Programs

This section contains wide collection of articles based on Object programs. JavaScript Objects are important data type and form the building blocks for modern JavaScript.

S. No. Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Create Objects (4 Different Ways)
2 JavaScript Program to Iterate Over an Object
3 JavaScript Program to Add an Object to an Array
4 JavaScript Program to Create Dynamic Values and Objects
5 JavaScript Program to Get a Key in an Object by its Value
6 JavaScript Program to Find the Length of an Object
7 JavaScript Program to Check a Key Exists in Object or Not
8 JavaScript Program to Get the Last Item of Object
9 JavaScript Program to Clone an Object
10 JavaScript Program to Merge Properties of Two Objects Dynamically
11 JavaScript Program to Count Number of Keys/Properties in an Object
12 JavaScript Program to Add an Object to an Array
13 JavaScript Program to Add Key/Value Pair to an Object
14 JavaScript Program to Sort Array of Objects by String Property Value
15 JavaScript Program to Convert an Object {} to an Array [] of key-value Pairs
16 JavaScript Program to Remove Duplicates from an Array of Objects
17 JavaScript Program to Remove Objects from Associative Array
18 JavaScript Program to Convert an Object to String
19 JavaScript Program to Create an Object from Given Key-Value Pairs
20 JavaScript Program to Remove a Key from Object
21 JavaScript Program to Find Max/Min Value of an Attribute in an Array of Objects
22 JavaScript Program to Convert Two-Dimensional Array into an Object
23 JavaScript Program to Remove Blank Attributes from an Object
24 JavaScript Program to Change JSON String into an Object

JavaScript Date Programs

This section contains wide collection of articles based on Date object. Javascript Date object in JavaScript is used to represent a moment in time. This time value is since 1 January 1970 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

 S. No. Article 
1 JavaScript Program to Subtract Days from Date Object
2 JavaScript Program to Add Hours to the Date Object
3 JavaScript Program to Convert Date to Number
4 JavaScript Program to Check a Date is Valid or Not
5 JavaScript Program to Display Date and Time
6 JavaScript Program to Get First Day of the Year
7 JavaScript Program to Check if a Given Year is Leap Year
8 JavaScript Program to Convert Milliseconds to Date
9 JavaScript Program to Get the Current Date
10 JavaScript Program to Compare Two Dates
12 JavaScript Program to Get Tomorrow’s Date in a String Format
13 JavaScript Program to Calculate Current Week Number
14 JavaScript Program to Compare Date Part Only Without Comparing Time
15 JavaScript Program to Check the Input Date is Equal to Today’s Date or Not
16 JavaScript Program to Check One Date is Between Two Dates
17 JavaScript Program to Format Current Date in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Format
18 JavaScript Program to Convert Seconds to Time String Format hh:mm:ss
19 JavaScript Program to Validate String Date Format
20 JavaScript Program to Convert Date to String
21 JavaScript Program to Convert CFAbsoluteTime to Date Object and Vice-Versa
22 JavaScript Program to Check for Two Timestamp for the Same Day
23 JavaScript Program to Check if the Given Date is Weekend
24 JavaScript Program to Display JavaScript Datetime in 12 Hour AM/PM Format
25 JavaScript Program to Calculate the Yesterday’s Date in JavaScript
26 JavaScript Program to Get the First and Last Date of Current Month
27 JavaScript Program to Remove Time from Date
28 JavaScript Program to Get Month and Date in Two Digit Format
29 JavaScript Program to Sort an Object Array by Date
30 JavaScript Program to Get the Relative Timestamp Difference Between Dates
31 JavaScript Program to Check if Date is Less Than 1 Hour Ago
 32 JavaScript Program to Calculate Days Left Until Next Christmas

JavaScript Set and Map Programs

This section contains wide collection of programming articles based on Set and Map objects. set is a collection of items that are unique i.e no element can be repeated. The map is a collection of elements where each element is stored as a Key, value pair.

S. No. Articles
1 JavaScript Program to Sort a Set
2 JavaScript Program to Iterate Over Set Elements
3 JavaScript Program to Convert Set to Array
4 JavaScript Program to Convert Array to Set
5 JavaScript Program to Perform Intersection of Two Sets
6 JavaScript Program to Get the Union of Two Sets
7 JavaScript Program to Order the Elements in a Set
8 JavaScript Program to Serialize a Map
9 JavaScript Program to Iterate Over Map Elements
10 JavaScript Program to Sort a Map
11 JavaScript Program to Get Key by Value in a Map
12 JavaScript Program to Update the Value for a Specific Key in Map
13 JavaScript Program to Add a key/value Pair to Map
14 JavaScript Program to Combine Values of Two Maps having Same Key
15 JavaScript Program to Order the Elements in a Map
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