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HomeLanguagesJavaTimeZone getRawOffset() Method in Java with Examples

TimeZone getRawOffset() Method in Java with Examples

The getRawOffset() method of TimeZone class in Java is used to know the amount of time in milliseconds needed to be added to the UTC to get the standard time in this TimeZone.


public abstract int getRawOffset()

Parameters: The method does not take any parameters.

Return Value: The method returns in milliseconds the amount of time needed to be added to the UTC to get the standard time in this TimeZone.

Below programs illustrate the working of getRawOffset() Method of TimeZone:
Example 1:

// Java code to illustrate getRawOffset() method
import java.util.*;
public class TimeZoneDemo {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating a TimeZone
        TimeZone offtime_zone
            = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Pacific/Pago_Pago");
        // Knowing the rawOffset time
        System.out.println("The rawOffset time is: "
                           + offtime_zone.getRawOffset());


The rawOffset time is: -39600000

Example 2:

// Java code to illustrate getRawOffset() method
import java.util.*;
public class TimeZoneDemo {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating a TimeZone
        TimeZone offtime_zone
            = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Rome");
        // Knowing the rawOffset time
        System.out.println("The rawOffset time is: "
                           + offtime_zone.getRawOffset());


The rawOffset time is: 3600000



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