LESS is a Leaner Style Sheets, a simple CSS pre-processor that facilitates the creation of manageable, customizable, and reusable style sheets for websites. It is a dynamic style sheet language that enhances the working power of CSS. LESS supports cross-browser compatibility. CSS pre-processor is a scripting language that improves CSS and gets compiled into regular CSS syntax so that the web browser can use it. It is also a backward-compatible language extension for CSS that provides functionalities like variables, functions, mixins, and operations that enable us to build dynamic CSS.
Mixins in less: Mixins in LESS, along with understanding their implementation & usage through the example. A CSS preprocessor is a program that generates the CSS code by using the defined preprocessor ruleset & facilitates reducing the overall complexity of CSS code. LESS is a CSS preprocessor that is a CSS backward-compatible language extension. Mixins in LESS, are a way to include a bunch of CSS properties from one ruleset to another i.e multiple times in the same file.
Mixin Guards: If you want to match simple values or a number of arguments on expressions, then you can use guards. It is associated with a mixin declaration and includes a condition that is attached to a mixin. Each mixin will have one or more guards which are separated by a comma; a guard must be enclosed within parentheses. LESS uses guarded mixins instead of if/else statements and performs calculations to specify matched mixin.
Different types of mixin guards:
- Guard Comparison Operators
Parameter: You can use the comparison operator (=) to compare numbers, strings, identifiers, etc. There are some comparison operators usable in guards: >, >=, =, =<. Additionally, the keyword true is the only truthy value, making these two mixins equivalent.
- Guard Logical Operators:
Parameter: You can use keywords to work around logical operators with guards.
- Type Checking Functions: It contains the built-in functions to determine the value types for matching mixins.
Mixin guards:
.p-style(@size) when (@size<=50){ font-size: @size; color:green; }
Example 1: The following example, demonstrates the use of mixin guards.
<!doctype html> < head > < title >Mixin Guards</ title > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css" type = "text/css" /> </ head > < body >< br >< br > < h1 >< b >neveropen</ b ></ h1 > < h2 >Learning Mixin Guards...</ h2 > </ body > </ html > |
style.less: Create a less file.
.p-style(@size) when (@size<= 50 ){ font-size : @size; color : green ; } .p-style(@size) when (@size> 50 ){ font-size : @size; color : blue ; } h 1 { .p-style( 40px ); } |
Now, to compile the above LESS code to CSS code, run the following command:
lessc style.less style.css
The compiled CSS file comes to be:
h 1 { font-size : 40px ; color : green ; } |
Example 2: The following example demonstrates the use of mixin guards.
<!doctype html> < head > < title >Mixin Guards</ title > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css" type = "text/css" /> </ head > < body > < h1 class = "cont1" >neveropen</ h1 > < h3 class = "cont2" >Learning Mixin Guards...</ h3 > </ body > </ html > |
style.less: Creates the less file
.One (@primary) when (lightness(@primary) >= 50% ) { font-size : 50px ; } .One (@primary) when (lightness(@primary) < 50% ) { font-size : 40px ; } .One (@primary) { color : @primary; } .cont 1 { text-align : center ; .One( green ) } .cont 2 { text-align : center ; .One( black ) } |
Now, to compile the above LESS code to CSS code, run the following command:
lessc style.less style.css
The compiled CSS file comes to be:
.cont 1 { text-align : center ; font-size : 40px ; color : green ; } .cont 2 { text-align : center ; font-size : 40px ; color : black ; } |
Reference: https://lesscss.org/features/#mixins-feature-mixin-guards-feature