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HomeData Modelling & AICalculate Volume, Curved Surface Area and Total Surface Area Of Cylinder

Calculate Volume, Curved Surface Area and Total Surface Area Of Cylinder

Given radius and height of Cylinder, calculate the volume, total surface area and curved surface area of cylinder.

  • Volume of Cylinder: 
    The volume of cylinder is defined as the amount of three dimensional space occupied by the cylinder or the storage capacity of a cylinder. We can calculate volume of cylinder by using formula:

  • where ‘ r ‘is radius of the base and ‘ h ‘ is height of cylinder.


  • Total Surface Area of Cylinder
    Surface area of cylinder is the number of square units that will exactly cover outer surface of a cone. There are three surfaces in a cylinder, one curved and two circular bases. Total surface area of cylinder is the sum of the area of both circular bases and area of curved surface. The total surface area includes the area of the circular top and base, as well as the Curved Surface Area (CSA).
    We can calculate curved surface area and total surface area by using formula:



Input  : Enter Radius Of Cylinder   5
         Enter Height Of Cylinder   8
Output : Volume       Of       Cylinder   =   628.3185307179587
         Total  Surface Area  Of Cylinder =   408.4070449666731
         Curved Surface Area  Of Cylinder =   251.32741228718345

Input  :Enter Radius Of Cylinder   15
        Enter Height Of Cylinder   10
Output :Volume       Of       Cylinder      =   7068.583470577034
        Total  Surface Area  Of Cylinder =   2356.194490192345
        Curved Surface Area  Of Cylinder =   942.4777960769379




#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14159
// Function To Calculate Volume OF Cylinder
float volume(float r, float h)
    float vol = PI * r * r * h;
    printf("Volume of Cylinder = %f \n" ,  vol);
// Function To Calculate Total Surface Area OF Cylinder
float totalsurfacearea(float r, float h)
    float tsurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h) + (2 * PI * r * r);
    printf("Total Surface Area Of Cylinder = %f \n" ,  tsurf_ar);
// Function To Calculate Curved Surface Area OF Cylinder
float curvedsurfacearea(float r, float h)
    float cursurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h);
    printf("Curved Surface Area Of Cylinder = %f \n" ,  cursurf_ar);
// Driver Code
int main()
    float r = 5;
    float h = 8;
    // Function Call And Printing Volume, TSA, CSA Of Cylinder
    volume(r, h);
    totalsurfacearea(r, h);
    curvedsurfacearea(r, h);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Abhishek Agrawal.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define PI 3.14159
using namespace std;
// Function To Calculate Volume OF Cylinder
void volume(float r, float h)
    float vol = PI * r * r * h;
    cout  << "Volume of Cylinder =    " << vol << "\n" ;
// Function To Calculate Total Surface Area OF Cylinder
void totalsurfacearea(float r, float h)
    float tsurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h) + (2 * PI * r * r);
    cout << "Total Surface Area Of Cylinder = " << tsurf_ar << "\n";
// Function To Calculate Curved Surface Area OF Cylinder
void curvedsurfacearea(float r, float h)
    float cursurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h);
    cout << "Curved Surface Area Of Cylinder = "
           << cursurf_ar << "\n";
// Driver code
int main()
    float r = 5;
    float h = 8;
    volume(r, h);
    totalsurfacearea(r, h);
    curvedsurfacearea(r, h);
// This code is contributed by Abhishek Agrawal.


// java code for illustion....
class GFG 
    static double PI = 3.14159;
    // Function To Calculate Volume OF Cylinder
    static void volume(double r, double h)
        double vol = PI * r * r * h;
            System.out.println( "Volume of Cylinder = " 
                                + vol );
    // Function To Calculate Total Surface Area OF Cylinder
    static void totalsurfacearea(double r, double h)
        double tsurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h) + (2 * PI * r * r);
        System.out.println( "Total Surface Area Of Cylinder = " 
                            + tsurf_ar );
    // Function To Calculate Curved Surface Area OF Cylinder
    static void curvedsurfacearea(double r, double h)
        double cursurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h);
        System.out.println( "Curved Surface Area Of Cylinder = "
                            + cursurf_ar );
    // Driver code
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        double r = 7;
        double h = 6;
        volume(r, h);
        totalsurfacearea(r, h);
        curvedsurfacearea(r, h);
// This code is contributed by Sunnysingh


# Importing Math Library For The Value Of PI
import math
pi = math.pi
# Function To Calculate Volume OF Cylinder
def volume(r, h):
    vol = pi * r * r * h
    return vol
# Function To Calculate Total Surface Area
# of Cylinder
def totalsurfacearea(r, h):
    tsurf_ar = (2 * pi * r * h) + (2 * pi * r * r)
    return tsurf_ar
# Function To Calculate Curved Surface Area 
# of Cylinder
def curvedsurfacearea(r, h):
    cursurf_ar = (2 * pi * r * h)
    return cursurf_ar
# Driver Code
r = 5
h = 8
# Function Call And Printing Volume, TSA, CSA Of Cylinder
print("Volume       Of       Cylinder   =  ",volume(r, h))
print("Total  Surface Area  Of Cylinder =  ",totalsurfacearea(r,h))
print("Curved Surface Area  Of Cylinder =  ",curvedsurfacearea(r,h))


// C# code for illustion....
using System;
class GFG {
    static double PI = 3.14159;
    // Function To Calculate Volume OF Cylinder
    static void volume(double r, double h)
        double vol = PI * r * r * h;
            Console.WriteLine( "Volume of Cylinder = "
                                + vol );
    // Function To Calculate Total Surface Area
    // OF Cylinder
    static void totalsurfacearea(double r, double h)
        double tsurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h) + 
                                    (2 * PI * r * r);
        Console.WriteLine( "Total Surface Area Of " 
                        + "Cylinder = " + tsurf_ar );
    // Function To Calculate Curved Surface Area 
    // OF Cylinder
    static void curvedsurfacearea(double r, double h)
        double cursurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h);
        Console.WriteLine( "Curved Surface Area Of" 
                  + " Cylinder = " + cursurf_ar );
    // Driver code
    public static void Main () 
        double r = 5;
        double h = 8;
        volume(r, h);
        totalsurfacearea(r, h);
        curvedsurfacearea(r, h);
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


// Function To Calculate Volume OF Cylinder
function volume( $r, $h)
    $PI = 3.14159;
    $vol = $PI * $r * $r * $h;
    echo("Volume of Cylinder =");
// Function To Calculate Total Surface
// Area OF Cylinder
function totalsurfacearea( $r, $h)
    $PI = 3.14159;
    $tsurf_ar = (2 * $PI * $r * $h)
                + (2 * $PI * $r * $r);
    echo("Total Surface Area Of Cylinder = "); 
// Function To Calculate Curved Surface
// Area OF Cylinder
function curvedsurfacearea($r, $h)
    $PI =3.14159;
    $cursurf_ar = (2 * $PI * $r * $h);
    echo("Curved Surface Area Of Cylinder = ");
// Driver Code
$r = 5;
$h = 8;
// Function Call And Printing Volume, 
// TSA, CSA Of Cylinder
volume($r, $h);
totalsurfacearea($r, $h);
curvedsurfacearea($r, $h);
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


let PI =  3.141592653589793238;
// Function To Calculate Volume OF Cylinder
function volume( r,  h)
    let vol = PI * r * r * h;
    document.write("Volume of Cylinder = " + vol + "<br/>");
// Function To Calculate Total Surface Area OF Cylinder
function totalsurfacearea( r,  h)
    let tsurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h) + (2 * PI * r * r);
    document.write("Total Surface Area Of Cylinder = " +  tsurf_ar+  "<br/>");
// Function To Calculate Curved Surface Area OF Cylinder
function curvedsurfacearea( r,  h)
    let cursurf_ar = (2 * PI * r * h);
    document.write("Curved Surface Area Of Cylinder = " +  cursurf_ar+ "<br/>");
// Driver Code
    let r = 5;
    let h = 8;
    // Function Call And Printing Volume, TSA, CSA Of Cylinder
    volume(r, h);
    totalsurfacearea(r, h);
    curvedsurfacearea(r, h);
    // This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 


Volume     Of     Cylinder =  628.3185307179587
Total Surface Area Of Cylinder =  408.4070449666731
Total Surface Area Of Cylinder =  251.32741228718345

Time complexity : O(1) 
Auxiliary Space : O(1)

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