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Biggest integer which has maximum digit sum in range from 1 to n

Given a number n, find a number in range from 1 to n such that its sum is maximum. If there are several such integers, determine the biggest of them.

Examples : 

Input:  n = 100
Output: 99  
99 is the largest number in range from
1 to 100 with maximum sum of digits.

Input: n = 48
Output: 48
There are two numbers with maximum
digit sum. The numbers are 48 and 39
Since 48 > 39, it is our answer.

A naive approach is to iterate for all numbers from 1 to n and find out which number has maximum sum of digits. Time complexity of this solution is O(n).

An efficient approach is to iterate from n to 1. Do the following for each digit of current number, if the digit is not zero, reduce it by one and change all other digits to nine to the right of it. If the sum of digits in the resulting integer is strictly greater than the sum of the digits of the current answer, then update the answer with the resulting integer. If the sum of the resulting integer is same as the current answer, then if the resulting integer is more than current answer, update the current answer with the resulting integer.

How to reduce a digit and change all other digits on its right to 9? 
Let x be our current number. We can find next number for current digit using below formula. In below formula, b is a power of 10 to represent position of current digit. After every iteration we reduce x to x/10 and change b to b * 10.
We use (x – 1) * b + (b – 1); 

This line can further be explained as, if the number is x = 521 and b = 1, then  

  • (521 – 1) * 1 + (1-1) which gives you 520, which is the thing we need to do, reduce the position number by 1 and replace all other numbers to the right by 9.
  • After x /= 10 gives you x as 52 and b*=10 gives you b as 10, which is again executed as (52-1)*(10) + 9 which gives you 519, which is what we have to do, reduce the current index by 1 and increase all other rights by 9.


// CPP program to find the 
// number with maximum digit
// sum.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to calculate the  
// sum of digits of a number.
int sumOfDigits(int a)
    int sum = 0;
    while (a)
        sum += a % 10;
        a /= 10;
    return sum;
// Returns the maximum number 
// with maximum sum of digits.
int findMax(int x)
    // initializing b as 1 and 
    // initial max sum to be of n
    int b = 1, ans = x;
    // iterates from right to 
    // left in a digit
    while (x)
        // while iterating this
        // is the number from 
        // from right to left
        int cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);
        // calls the function to 
        // check if sum of cur is
        // more than of ans
        if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) || 
           (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) && 
            cur > ans))
            ans = cur;
        // reduces the number to one unit less
        x /= 10;
        b *= 10;
    return ans;
// driver program
int main()
    int n = 521; 
    cout << findMax(n); 
    return 0;


// Java program to find the 
// number with maximum digit
// sum.
class GFG {
    // function to calculate the  
    // sum of digits of a number.   
    static int sumOfDigits(int a)
        int sum = 0;
        while (a!=0)
            sum += a % 10;
            a /= 10;
        return sum;
    // Returns the maximum number 
    // with maximum sum of digits.
    static int findMax(int x)
        // initializing b as 1 and 
        // initial max sum to be of n
        int b = 1, ans = x;
        // iterates from right to 
        // left in a digit
        while (x!=0
            // while iterating this
            // is the number from 
            // from right to left
            int cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);
            // calls the function to 
            // check if sum of cur is
            // more then of ans
            if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) || 
            (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) && 
                cur > ans))
                ans = cur;
            // reduces the number to one unit less
            x /= 10;
            b *= 10;
        return ans;
    // driver program 
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int n = 521
/*This article is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.*/


# Python 3 program to
# find the number 
# with maximum digit
# sum.
# function to calculate 
# the sum of digits of
# a number.
def sumOfDigits(a) :
    sm = 0
    while (a!=0) :
        sm = sm + a % 10
        a = a // 10
    return sm
# Returns the maximum number
# with maximum sum of digits.
def findMax(x) :
    # initializing b as 1
    # and initial max sum
    # to be of n
    b = 1
    ans = x
    # iterates from right
    # to left in a digit
    while (x!=0) :
        # while iterating this 
        # is the number from
        # right to left
        cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1)
        # calls the function to
        # check if sum of cur is
        # more then of ans
        if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) or
        (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) and
            cur > ans)) :
                ans = cur
        # reduces the number
        # to one unit less
        x =x // 10
        b = b * 10
    return ans
# driver program to test the above function
n = 521
# This article is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


// C# program to find the number
// with maximum digit sum.
using System;
class GFG {
    // function to calculate the  
    // sum of digits of a number.   
    static int sumOfDigits(int a)
        int sum = 0;
        while (a!=0)
            sum += a % 10;
            a /= 10;
        return sum;
    // Returns the maximum number 
    // with maximum sum of digits.
    static int findMax(int x)
        // initializing b as 1 and 
        // initial max sum to be of n
        int b = 1, ans = x;
        // iterates from right to 
        // left in a digit
        while (x!=0) 
            // while iterating this
            // is the number from 
            // from right to left
            int cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);
            // calls the function to 
            // check if sum of cur is
            // more then of ans
            if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) || 
               (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) && 
                                            cur > ans))
                ans = cur;
            // reduces the number to one unit less
            x /= 10;
            b *= 10;
        return ans;
    // driver program 
    public static void Main()
        int n = 521; 
// This article is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


// PHP program to find the 
// number with maximum digit
// sum.
// function to calculate the 
// sum of digits of a number.
function sumOfDigits($a)
    $sum = 0;
    while ($a)
        $sum += $a % 10;
        $a = (int)$a / 10;
    return $sum;
// Returns the maximum number 
// with maximum sum of digits.
function findMax( $x)
    // initializing b as 1 and 
    // initial max sum to be of n
    $b = 1; $ans = $x;
    // iterates from right to 
    // left in a digit
    while ($x)
        // while iterating this
        // is the number from 
        // from right to left
        $cur = ($x - 1) * $b
                     ($b - 1);
        // calls the function to 
        // check if sum of cur is
        // more then of ans
        if (sumOfDigits($cur) > sumOfDigits($ans) || 
           (sumOfDigits($cur) == sumOfDigits($ans) && 
                                        $cur > $ans))
            $ans = $cur;
        // reduces the number
        // to one unit less
        $x = (int)$x / 10;
        $b *= 10;
    return $ans;
// Driver Code
$n = 521; 
echo findMax($n); 
// This code is contributed by ajit


// Javascript program to find the 
// number with maximum digit
// sum.
// Function to calculate the
// sum of digits of a number.
function sumOfDigits(a) 
    var sum = 0;
    while (a != 0)
        sum += a % 10;
        a = parseInt(a / 10);
    return sum;
// Returns the maximum number
// with maximum sum of digits.
function findMax(x)
    // Initializing b as 1 and
    // initial max sum to be of n
    var b = 1, ans = x;
    // Iterates from right to
    // left in a digit
    while (x != 0)
        // While iterating this
        // is the number from
        // from right to left
        var cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);
        // Calls the function to
        // check if sum of cur is
        // more then of ans
        if (sumOfDigits(cur) > 
            sumOfDigits(ans) || 
           (sumOfDigits(cur) == 
            sumOfDigits(ans) && 
            cur > ans))
            ans = cur;
        // Reduces the number to one unit less
        x = parseInt(x / 10);
        b *= 10;
    return ans;
// Driver Code
var n = 521;
// This code is contributed by todaysgaurav

Output : 


Time complexity : O(m) where m is the number of digits in n.

This article is contributed by Striver. If you like neveropen and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the neveropen main page and help other Geeks.
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