Given in input that has relationships between a person and their children, for all the people in this data, identify grandparents of all the people in the input.
Input: A map of all the people and their children Map[String, Set[String]] Output: A map of all people and their grandparents Map[String, Set[String]] Example: Input Map(A -> Set(B,C), B -> Set(D, C), C -> Set(E)) Output: Map(D -> Set(A), C -> Set(A), E -> Set(A, B))
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Here we have iterate over each and every node in Map and find out the grand-parent of each child.
The idea is to use Recursion. But, it can be solved without Recursion too.
Lets see the Without Recursion solution first:
Solution 1 (Without Recursion):
Here we have to use Mutable Scala Map. Below is the Scala Code.
val input = Map("A" -> Set("B","C"), "B" -> Set("D", "C"), "C" -> Set("E")) val output: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Set[String]] = scala.collection.mutable.Map() => => input.get(child).map(grandchildren =>{grandchild => if(output.keys.exists(_ == grandchild)) { output.put(grandchild, output.get(grandchild).get ++ Set(node._1)) } else { output.put(grandchild, Set(node._1)) } } ) ))
Here we are iterating over every Node of Map and finding out the grandchildren of each child in node.This, will help us in creating a Map with Grand-Child and Grand-Parents relationship.
Solution 2 (With Recursion):
Here we can use Immutable Scala Map as we are using Recursion.
val input = Map("A" -> Set("B","C"), "B" -> Set("D", "C"), "C" -> Set("E")) val output = findGrandparents(input) def findGrandparents(family: Map[String, Set[String]]): Map[String, Set[String]] = { family.foldLeft(Map[String, Set[String]]()){ case (grandParents, oneFamily) => { val grandChildren: Set[String] = oneFamily._2.flatMap(member => family.get(member)).flatten val res = => { grandParents.get(child) match { case None =>(child -> Set(oneFamily._1)) case Some(x) => (child -> (x + oneFamily._1)) } }).toMap grandParents ++ res }
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