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How to find arctangent with Examples

What is arc tangent?

The arctangent is the inverse of the tangent function. It returns the angle whose tangent is the given number.

catan() is an inbuilt function in <complex.h> header file which returns the complex inverse tangent (or arc tangent) of any constant, which divides the imaginary axis on the basis of the inverse tangent in the closed interval [-i, +i] (where i stands for iota), used for evaluation of a complex object say z is on imaginary axis whereas to determine a complex object which is real or integer, then internally invokes pre-defined methods as:



Return Type


atan() function takes a complex z of datatype double which determine arc tangent for real complex numbers Returns complex arc tangent lies in a range along real axis [-PI/2, +PI/2] for an argument of type double.


atanf() function takes a complex z of datatype float double which determine arc tangent for real complex numbers. Returns complex arc tangent lies in a range along real axis [-PI/2, +PI/2] for an argument of type float.


atanl() function takes a complex z of datatype long double which determine arc tangent for real complex numbers Returns complex arc tangent lies in a range along real axis [-PI/2, +PI/2] for an argument of type long double.


catan() function takes a complex z of datatype double which also allows imaginary part of complex numbers Returns complex arc tangent lies in a range along imaginary axis [-i, +i] for a complex object of type double


catanf()  function takes a complex z of datatype float double which also allows imaginary part of complex numbers Returns complex arc tangent lies in a range along imaginary axis [-i, +i] for a complex object of type float


catanl()  function takes a complex z of datatype long double which also allows imaginary part of complex numbers Returns complex arc tangent lies in a range along imaginary axis [-i, +i] for a complex object of type long double


atan(double arg);
atanf(float arg);
atanl(long double arg);
where arg is a floating-point value

catan(double complex z);
catanf(float complex z);
catanl( long double complex z);
where z is a Type – generic macro

Parameter: These functions accept one mandatory parameter z which specifies the inverse tangent. The parameter can be of double, float, or long double datatype.

Return Value: This function returns complex arc tangent/arc tangent according to the type of the argument passed.

Below are the programs illustrate the above method:

Program 1: This program will illustrate the functions atan(), atanf(), and atanl() computes the principal value of the arc tangent of floating – point argument. If a range error occurs due to underflow, the correct result after rounding off is returned. 


// C++ program to illustrate the use
// of functions atan(), atanf(),
// and atanl()
using namespace std;
//Drive code
int main()
    // For function atan()
    cout << "atan(1) = " << atan(1) << ", ";
    cout << "4*atan(1) = " << 4 * atan(1) << "\n";
    cout << "atan(-0.0) = " << atan(-0.0) << ", ";
    cout << "atan(+0.0) = " << atan(0) << "\n";
    // For special values INFINITY
    cout << "atan(INFINITY) = " << atan(INFINITY) << ", ";
    cout << "2*atan(INFINITY) = " << 2 * atan(INFINITY) << "\n\n";
    // For function atanf()
    cout << "atanf(1.1) = " << atanf(1.1) << ", ";
    cout << "4*atanf(1.5) = " << 4 * atanf(1.5) << "\n";
    cout << "atanf(-0.3) = " << atanf(-0.3) << ", ";
    cout << "atanf(+0.3) = " << atanf(0.3) << "\n";
    // For special values INFINITY
    cout << "atanf(INFINITY) = " << atanf(INFINITY) << ", ";
    cout << "2*atanf(INFINITY) = " << 2 * atanf(INFINITY) << "\n\n";
    // For function atanl()
    cout << "atanl(1.1) = " << atanl(1.1) << ", ";
    cout << "4*atanl(1.7) = " << 4 * atanl(1.7) << "\n";
    cout << "atanl(-1.3) = " << atanl(-1.3) << ", ";
    cout << "atanl(+0.3) = " << atanl(0.3) << "\n";
    // For special values INFINITY
    cout << "atanl(INFINITY) = " << atanl(INFINITY) << ", ";
    cout << "2*atanl(INFINITY) = " << 2 * atanl(INFINITY) << "\n\n";
    return 0;


// C program to illustrate the use
// of functions atan(), atanf(),
// and atanl()
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Driver Code
int main()
    // For function atan()
    printf("atan(1) = %lf, ",
    printf(" 4*atan(1)=%lf\n",
           4 * atan(1));
    printf("atan(-0.0) = %+lf, ",
    printf("atan(+0.0) = %+lf\n",
    // For special values INFINITY
    printf("atan(Inf) = %lf, ",
    printf("2*atan(Inf) = %lf\n\n",
           2 * atan(INFINITY));
    // For function atanf()
    printf("atanf(1.1) = %f, ",
           4 * atanf(1.5));
    printf("atanf(-0.3) = %+f, ",
    printf("atanf(+0.3) = %+f\n",
    // For special values INFINITY
    printf("atanf(Inf) = %f, ",
    printf("2*atanf(Inf) = %f\n\n",
           2 * atanf(INFINITY));
    // For function atanl()
    printf("atanl(1.1) = %Lf, ",
           4 * atanl(1.7));
    printf("atanl(-1.3) = %+Lf, ",
    printf("atanl(+0.3) = %+Lf\n",
    // For special values INFINITY
    printf("atanl(Inf) = %Lf, ",
    printf("2*atanl(Inf) = %Lf\n\n",
           2 * atanl(INFINITY));
    return 0;


atan(1) = 0.785398,  4*atan(1)=3.141593
atan(-0.0) = -0.000000, atan(+0.0) = +0.000000
atan(Inf) = 1.570796, 2*atan(Inf) = 3.141593

atanf(1.1) = 0.832981, 4*atanf(1.5)=3.931175
atanf(-0.3) = -0.291457, atanf(+0.3) = +0.291457
atanf(Inf) = 1.570796, 2*atanf(Inf) = 3.141593

atanl(1.1) = 0.832981, 4*atanl(1.7)=4.156289
atanl(-1.3) = -0.915101, atanl(+0.3) = +0.291457
atanl(Inf) = 1.570796, 2*atanl(Inf) = 3.141593

Program 2: This program will illustrate the functions catan(), catanf(), and catanl() computes the principal value of the arc tangent of complex number as argument. 


// C program to illustrate the use
// of functions catan(), catanf(),
// and catanl()
#include <complex.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given Complex Number
    double complex z1 = catan(2 * I);
    // Function catan()
    printf("catan(+0 + 2i) = %lf + %lfi\n",
           creal(z1), cimag(z1));
    // Complex(0, + INFINITY)
    double complex z2 = 2
                        * catan(2 * I * DBL_MAX);
    printf("2*catan(+0 + i*Inf) = %lf%+lfi\n",
           creal(z2), cimag(z2));
    // Function catanf()
    float complex z3 = catanf(2 * I);
    printf("catanf(+0 + 2i) = %f + %fi\n",
           crealf(z3), cimagf(z3));
    // Complex(0, + INFINITY)
    float complex z4 = 2
                       * catanf(2 * I * DBL_MAX);
    printf("2*catanf(+0 + i*Inf) = %f + %fi\n",
           crealf(z4), cimagf(z4));
    // Function catanl()
    long double complex z5 = catanl(2 * I);
    printf("catan(+0+2i) = %Lf%+Lfi\n",
           creall(z5), cimagl(z5));
    // Complex(0, + INFINITY)
    long double complex z6 = 2
                             * catanl(2 * I * DBL_MAX);
    printf("2*catanl(+0 + i*Inf) = %Lf + %Lfi\n",
           creall(z6), cimagl(z6));


catan(+0 + 2i) = 1.570796 + 0.549306i
2*catan(+0 + i*Inf) = 3.141593+0.000000i

catanf(+0 + 2i) = 1.570796 + 0.549306i
2*catanf(+0 + i*Inf) = 3.141593 + 0.000000i

catan(+0+2i) = 1.570796+0.549306i
2*catanl(+0 + i*Inf) = 3.141593 + 0.000000i

Program 3: This program will illustrate the functions catanh(), catanhf(), and catanhl() computes the complex arc hyperbolic tangent of z along the real axis and in the interval [-i*PI/2, +i*PI/2] along the imaginary axis. 


// C program to illustrate the use
// of functions  catanh(), catanhf(),
// and catanhl()
#include <complex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Function catanh()
    double complex z1 = catanh(2);
    printf("catanh(+2+0i) = %lf%+lfi\n",
           creal(z1), cimag(z1));
    // for any z, atanh(z) = atan(iz)/i
    // I denotes Imaginary
    // part of the complex number
    double complex z2 = catanh(1 + 2 * I);
    printf("catanh(1+2i) = %lf%+lfi\n\n",
           creal(z2), cimag(z2));
    // Function catanhf()
    float complex z3 = catanhf(2);
    printf("catanhf(+2+0i) = %f%+fi\n",
           crealf(z3), cimagf(z3));
    // for any z, atanh(z) = atan(iz)/i
    float complex z4 = catanhf(1 + 2 * I);
    printf("catanhf(1+2i) = %f%+fi\n\n",
           crealf(z4), cimagf(z4));
    // Function catanh()
    long double complex z5 = catanhl(2);
    printf("catanhl(+2+0i) = %Lf%+Lfi\n",
           creall(z5), cimagl(z5));
    // for any z, atanh(z) = atan(iz)/i
    long double complex z6 = catanhl(1 + 2 * I);
    printf("catanhl(1+2i) = %Lf%+Lfi\n\n",
           creall(z6), cimagl(z6));


catanh(+2+0i) = 0.549306+1.570796i
catanh(1+2i) = 0.173287+1.178097i

catanhf(+2+0i) = 0.549306+1.570796i
catanhf(1+2i) = 0.173287+1.178097i

catanhl(+2+0i) = 0.549306+1.570796i
catanhl(1+2i) = 0.173287+1.178097i

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