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HomeData Modelling & AIDuplicate subtree in Binary Tree | SET 2

Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree | SET 2

Given a binary tree, the task is to check whether the binary tree contains a duplicate sub-tree of size two or more.

             /   \ 
           B       C
         /   \       \    
        D     E       B     
                     /  \    
                    D    E
Output: Yes
  /   \    
 D     E
is the duplicate sub-tree.

             /   \ 
           B       C
         /   \
        D     E
Output: No

Approach: A DFS based approach has been discussed here. A queue can be used to traverse the tree in a bfs manner. While traversing the nodes, push the node along with its left and right children in a map and if any point the map contains duplicates then the tree contains duplicate sub-trees. For example, if the node is A and its children are B and C then ABC will be pushed to the map. If at any point, ABC has to be pushed again then the tree contains duplicate sub-trees.
Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure for a binary tree node
struct Node {
    char key;
    Node *left, *right;
// A utility function to create a new node
Node* newNode(char key)
    Node* node = new Node;
    node->key = key;
    node->left = node->right = NULL;
    return node;
unordered_set<string> subtrees;
// Function that returns true if
// tree contains a duplicate subtree
// of size 2 or more
bool dupSubUtil(Node* root)
    // To store subtrees
    set<string> subtrees;
    // Used to traverse tree
    queue<Node*> bfs;
    while (!bfs.empty()) {
        Node* n = bfs.front();
        // To store the left and the right
        // children of the current node
        char l = ' ', r = ' ';
        // If the node has a left child
        if (n->left != NULL) {
            l = n->left->key;
            // Push left node's data
        // If the node has a right child
        if (n->right != NULL) {
            r = n->right->key;
            // Push right node's data
        string subt;
        subt += n->key;
        subt += l;
        subt += r;
        if (l != ' ' || r != ' ') {
            // If this subtree count is greater than 0
            // that means duplicate exists
            if (!subtrees.insert(subt).second) {
                return true;
    return false;
// Driver code
int main()
    Node* root = newNode('A');
    root->left = newNode('B');
    root->right = newNode('C');
    root->left->left = newNode('D');
    root->left->right = newNode('E');
    root->right->right = newNode('B');
    root->right->right->right = newNode('E');
    root->right->right->left = newNode('D');
    cout << (dupSubUtil(root) ? "Yes" : "No");
    return 0;


import java.util.*;
// Structure for a binary tree node
class Node {
    char key;
    Node left, right;
    Node(char item) {
        key = item;
        left = right = null;
class Main {
    static Set<String> subtrees = new HashSet<String>();
    // Function that returns true if
    // tree contains a duplicate subtree
    // of size 2 or more
    static boolean dupSubUtil(Node root) {
        // To store subtrees
        Set<String> subtrees = new HashSet<String>();
        // Used to traverse tree
        Queue<Node> bfs = new LinkedList<Node>();
        while (!bfs.isEmpty()) {
            Node n = bfs.poll();
            // To store the left and the right
            // children of the current node
            char l = ' ', r = ' ';
            // If the node has a left child
            if (n.left != null) {
                l = n.left.key;
                // Push left node's data
            // If the node has a right child
            if (n.right != null) {
                r = n.right.key;
                // Push right node's data
            String subt = "";
            subt += n.key;
            subt += l;
            subt += r;
            if (l != ' ' || r != ' ') {
                // If this subtree count is greater than 0
                // that means duplicate exists
                if (!subtrees.add(subt)) {
                    return true;
        return false;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Node root = new Node('A');
        root.left = new Node('B');
        root.right = new Node('C');
        root.left.left = new Node('D');
        root.left.right = new Node('E');
        root.right.right = new Node('B');
        root.right.right.right = new Node('E');
        root.right.right.left = new Node('D');
        System.out.println((dupSubUtil(root) ? "Yes" : "No"));


# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Structure for a binary tree node
class newNode:
    # Constructor to create a new node
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.key = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
subtrees = set()
# Function that returns true if
# tree contains a duplicate subtree
# of size 2 or more
def dupSubUtil(root):
    # To store subtrees
    subtrees= set()
    # Used to traverse tree
    bfs = []
    while (len(bfs)):
        n = bfs[0]
        # To store the left and the right
        # children of the current node
        l = ' '
        r = ' '
        # If the node has a left child
        if (n.left != None):
            x = n.left
            l = x.key
            # append left node's data
        # If the node has a right child
        if (n.right != None):
            x = n.right
            r = x.key
            # append right node's data
        subt += n.key
        subt += l
        subt += r
        if (l != ' ' or r != ' '):
            # If this subtree count is greater than 0
            # that means duplicate exists
            if (len(subtrees) > 1):
                return True
    return False
# Driver code
root = newNode('A')
root.left = newNode('B')
root.right = newNode('C')
root.left.left = newNode('D')
root.left.right = newNode('E')
root.right.right = newNode('B')
root.right.right.right = newNode('E')
root.right.right.left = newNode('D')
if dupSubUtil(root):
# This code is contributed by SHUBHAMSINGH10


// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// Structure for a binary tree node
public class Node
    public char key;
    public Node left, right;
// A utility function to create a new node
static Node newNode(char key)
    Node node = new Node();
    node.key = key;
    node.left = node.right = null;
    return node;
static HashSet<String> subtrees = new HashSet<String>();
// Function that returns true if
// tree contains a duplicate subtree
// of size 2 or more
static bool dupSubUtil(Node root)
    // To store subtrees
    // HashSet<String> subtrees;
    // Used to traverse tree
    Queue<Node> bfs = new Queue<Node>();
    while (bfs.Count != 0)
        Node n = bfs.Peek();
        // To store the left and the right
        // children of the current node
        char l = ' ', r = ' ';
        // If the node has a left child
        if (n.left != null)
            l = n.left.key;
            // Push left node's data
        // If the node has a right child
        if (n.right != null)
            r = n.right.key;
            // Push right node's data
        String subt = "";
        subt += n.key;
        subt += l;
        subt += r;
        if (l != ' ' || r != ' ')
            // If this subtree count is greater than 0
            // that means duplicate exists
            if (!subtrees.Contains(subt))
                return true;
    return false;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    Node root = newNode('A');
    root.left = newNode('B');
    root.right = newNode('C');
    root.left.left = newNode('D');
    root.left.right = newNode('E');
    root.right.right = newNode('B');
    root.right.right.right = newNode('E');
    root.right.right.left = newNode('D');
    if (dupSubUtil(root))
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


// Javascript implementation of the approach
// Structure for a binary tree node
class Node
        this.key = '';
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
// A utility function to create a new node
function newNode(key)
    var node = new Node();
    node.key = key;
    node.left = node.right = null;
    return node;
var subtrees = new Set();
// Function that returns true if
// tree contains a duplicate subtree
// of size 2 or more
function dupSubUtil(root)
    // To store subtrees
    // HashSet<String> subtrees;
    // Used to traverse tree
    var bfs = [];
    while (bfs.length != 0)
        var n = bfs[0];
        // To store the left and the right
        // children of the current node
        var l = ' ', r = ' ';
        // If the node has a left child
        if (n.left != null)
            l = n.left.key;
            // Push left node's data
        // If the node has a right child
        if (n.right != null)
            r = n.right.key;
            // Push right node's data
        var subt = "";
        subt += n.key;
        subt += l;
        subt += r;
        if (l != ' ' || r != ' ')
            // If this subtree count is greater than 0
            // that means duplicate exists
            if (!subtrees.has(subt))
                return true;
    return false;
// Driver code
var root = newNode('A');
root.left = newNode('B');
root.right = newNode('C');
root.left.left = newNode('D');
root.left.right = newNode('E');
root.right.right = newNode('B');
root.right.right.right = newNode('E');
root.right.right.left = newNode('D');
if (dupSubUtil(root))
// This code is contributed by rrrtnx.




Time complexity: O(n) where N is no of nodes in a binary tree

Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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