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Maximum possible time that can be formed from four digits | (Recursive Approach)

Given an array arr[] with 4 integers. The task is to return the maximum 24 hour time that can be formed using the digits from the array. Note that the minimum time in 24-hour format is 00:00, and the maximum is 23:59. If a valid time cannot be formed then return an empty string.

Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}  
Output: 23:41
Explanation: 23:41 is the maximum time possible in 24-hour format

Input: arr[] = {5, 5, 6, 6}  
Output: “”
Explanation: No valid time can be formed from the given digits

HashMap Approach:- One approach to this problem is already discussed 

Recursive Approach: The task can also be solved using recursion. Try generating all possible permutations using recursion and then discard the invalid permutation and return the permutation with the largest possible value, after sorting all the permutations. If no valid permutation exists, return an empty string. Condition for the valid permutation.

  • The first digit of hours must be from the range [0, 2].
  • The second digit of hours must be from the range [0, 3] if the first digit was chosen as 2 else [0, 9].
  • The first digit of minutes must be from the range [0, 5] and the second digit of minutes must be from the range [0, 9]

Below is the implementation of the above code:


// C++ implementation of the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Stores all the permutations
vector<string> res;
// Function to generate valid permutations
void getMax(int idx, vector<int>& nums, string per)
    // All the digits are used
    if (idx == nums.size()) {
        // If first digit is
        // not 0, 1 or 2 then it is
        // invalid, return
        if (per[0] != '0'
            && per[0] != '1'
            && per[0] != '2')
        // Second digit must be less than 7
        if (per[2] >= '6')
        // If first digit is 2
        // then second digit must be
        // smaller than 5
        if (per[0] == '2'
            and per[1] >= '4')
        // Push the valid
        // permutation in result
    for (int i = idx; i < nums.size(); i++) {
        // add num to res
        per += nums[i] + '0';
        // swap and solve
        // for further permutation
        swap(nums[idx], nums[i]);
        // Recur
        getMax(idx + 1, nums, per);
        // Backtrack
        swap(nums[i], nums[idx]);
// Function to return maximum time
// possible in 24-hour format
string getMaxtime(vector<int>& arr)
    string per = "";
    getMax(0, arr, per);
    // No valid permutation
    // can be generated
    if (res.empty())
        return "";
    // Sort all valid permutations
    sort(res.begin(), res.end());
    // Largest valid permutation
    string ans = res[res.size() - 1];
    // Resultant string
    string result
        = ans.substr(0, 2)
          + ":"
          + ans.substr(2, 2);
    return result;
// Driver Code
int main()
    vector<int> arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);
    cout << (getMaxtime(arr));
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
  // Stores all the permutations
  public static ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
  // Function to generate valid permutations
  public static void getMax(int idx, int[] nums, String per)
    // All the digits are used
    if (idx == nums.length) {
      // If first digit is
      // not 0, 1 or 2 then it is
      // invalid, return
      if (per.charAt(0) != '0'  &&
          per.charAt(0) != '1' &&
          per.charAt(0) != '2')
      // Second digit must be less than 7
      if (per.charAt(2) >= '6')
      // If first digit is 2
      // then second digit must be
      // smaller than 5
      if (per.charAt(0) == '2' && per.charAt(1) >= '4')
      // Push the valid
      // permutation in result
    for (int i = idx; i < nums.length; i++) {
      // add num to res
      per += String.valueOf(nums[i]);
      // swap and solve
      // for further permutation
      int temp = nums[idx];
      nums[idx] = nums[i];
      nums[i] = temp;
      // Recur
      getMax(idx + 1, nums, per);
      // Backtrack
      per = per.substring(0, per.length() - 1);
      temp = nums[i];
      nums[i] = nums[idx];
      nums[idx] = temp;
  // Function to return maximum time
  // possible in 24-hour format
  public static String getMaxtime(int[] arr)
    String per = "";
    getMax(0, arr, per);
    // No valid permutation
    // can be generated
    if (res.isEmpty())
      return "";
    // Sort all valid permutations
    // Largest valid permutation
    String ans = res.get(res.size() - 1);
    // Resultant String
    String result
      = ans.substring(0, 2)
      + ":"
      + ans.substring(2, 4);
    return result;
  // Driver Code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    int n = arr.length;
// This code is contributed by Shubham Singh


# Python implementation of the above approach
# Stores all the permutations
# Function to generate valid permutations
def getMax(idx, nums, per):
    # All the digits are used
    if (idx == len(nums)) :
        # If first digit is
        # not 0, 1 or 2 then it is
        # invalid, return
        if (per[0] != '0' and per[0] != '1' and per[0] != '2'):
        # Second digit must be less than 7
        if (per[2] >= '6'):
        # If first digit is 2
        # then second digit must be
        # smaller than 5
        if (per[0] == '2'and per[1] >= '4'):
        # Push the valid
        # permutation in result
    for i in range(idx, len(nums)):
        # add num to res
        per += str(nums[i]) ;
        # swap and solve
        # for further permutation
        nums[idx], nums[i]=nums[i], nums[idx];
        # Recur
        getMax(idx + 1, nums, per);
        # Backtrack
        nums[i], nums[idx]=nums[idx], nums[i];
# Function to return maximum time
# possible in 24-hour format
def getMaxtime(arr):
    per = "";
    getMax(0, arr, per);
    # No valid permutation
    # can be generated
    if (len(res)==0):
        return "";
    # Sort all valid permutations
    # Largest valid permutation
    ans = res[len(res) - 1];
    # Resultant string
    result= ans[0: 2]+ ":"+ ans[2:4];
    return result;
# Driver Code
arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
n = len(arr);


// C# code to delete middle of a stack
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
  public static List<string> res = new List<string>();
  public static void getMax(int idx, ref int[] nums, string per)
    // all the digits are used
    if(idx == nums.Length)
      // if first digit is
      // not 0,1 or 2 then it is
      // invalid, return
      if(per[0] != '0' && per[0] != '1' && per[0] != '2') return;
      // second digit musch be less than 7
      if(per[2] >= '6') return;
      // if first digit is 2
      // then second digit must be
      // smaller than 5
      if(per[0] == '2' && per[1] >= '4') return;
      // push the valid
      // permutation in result
    for(int i = idx; i<nums.Length; i++){
      // add num to res
      per += nums[i].ToString();
      // swap and solve for further permutation
      int temp = nums[idx];
      nums[idx] = nums[i];
      nums[i] = temp;
      // recur
      getMax(idx+1, ref nums, per);
      // backtrack
      per = per.Substring(0, per.Length-1);
      temp = nums[idx];
      nums[idx] = nums[i];
      nums[i] = temp;
  public static string getMaxtime(ref int[] arr){
    string per = "";
    getMax(0, ref arr, per);
    // No Valid permutation
    // can be generated
    if(res.Count == 0){
      return "";
    // sort all valid permutations
    // largest valid permutation
    string ans = res[res.Count - 1];
    // resultant string
    string result = ans.Substring(0,2) + ":" + ans.Substring(2,2);
    return result;
  // driver code to test above function
  public static void Main(){
    int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    int n = arr.Length;
    Console.WriteLine(getMaxtime(ref arr));


// Javascript implementation of the above approach
// Stores all the permutations
let res = []
// Function to generate valid permutations
function getMax(idx, nums, per) {
    // All the digits are used
    if (idx ==nums.length) {
        // If first digit is
        // not 0, 1 or 2 then it is
        // invalid, return
        if (per[0] != '0' && per[0] != '1' && per[0] !='2') {
        // Second digit must be less than 7
        if (per[2] >= '6') {
        // If first digit is 2
        // then second digit must be
        // smaller than 5
        if (per[0] === '2' && per[1] >= '4') {
        // Push the valid
        // permutation in result
    for (let i = idx; i < nums.length; i++) {
        // add num to res
        per += nums[i].toString();
        // swap and solve
        // for further permutation
        [nums[idx], nums[i]] = [nums[i], nums[idx]]
        // Recur
        getMax(idx + 1, nums, per);
        // Backtrack
        per = per.substring(0, per.length - 1);
        [nums[i], nums[idx]] = [nums[idx], nums[i]]
// Function to return maximum time
// possible in 24-hour format
function getMaxtime(arr) {
    let per = "";
    getMax(0, arr, per);
    // No valid permutation
    // can be generated
    if (res.length === 0) {
        return "";
    // Sort all valid permutations
    // Largest valid permutation
    let ans = res[res.length - 1];
    // Resultant string
    let result = ans.substring(0, 2) + ":" + ans.substring(2, 4);
    return result;
// Driver Code
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];



Time Complexity: O(N! * log(N!)) 
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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