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Find the Side of the smallest Square that can contain given 4 Big Squares

Given sides of four small squares. You have to find the side of the smallest square such that it can contain all given 4 squares without overlapping. The side of a square can be up to 10^16.

Input: side1 = 2, side2 = 2, side3 = 2, side4 = 2
Output: 4

Input: side1 = 100000000000000, side2 = 123450000000000, 
       side3 = 987650000000000, side4 = 987654321000000
Output: 1975304321000000


It is given that no two squares will overlap. Therefore to find the side of the smallest suitable square, we will find all four sides, when squares will be put in 2 x 2 manner. That is 2 squares will be side by side and rest 2 will be put together.
So we calculate all four side and select one that will be maximum.
Example: When all small squares are of same side. 




Example: When all small squares are of different side. 




Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ program to Find the Side
// of the smallest Square
// that can contain given 4 Big Squares
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the maximum of two values
long long int max(long long a, long long b)
    if (a > b)
        return a;
        return b;
// Function to find the smallest side
// of the suitable suitcase
long long int smallestSide(long long int a[])
    // sort array to find the smallest
    // and largest side of suitcases
    sort(a, a + 4);
    long long side1, side2, side3, side4,
        side11, side12, sideOfSquare;
    // side of the suitcase will be smallest
    // if they arranged in 2 x 2 way
    // so find all possible sides of that arrangement
    side1 = a[0] + a[3];
    side2 = a[1] + a[2];
    side3 = a[0] + a[1];
    side4 = a[2] + a[3];
    // since suitcase should be square
    // so find maximum of all four side
    side11 = max(side1, side2);
    side12 = max(side3, side4);
    // now find greatest side and
    // that will be the smallest square
    sideOfSquare = max(side11, side12);
    // return the result
    return sideOfSquare;
// Driver program
int main()
    long long int side[4];
    cout << "Test Case 1\n";
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 2;
    side[1] = 2;
    side[2] = 2;
    side[3] = 2;
    // Find the smallest side
    cout << smallestSide(side) << endl;
    cout << "\nTest Case 2\n";
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 100000000000000;
    side[1] = 123450000000000;
    side[2] = 987650000000000;
    side[3] = 987654321000000;
    // Find the smallest side
    cout << smallestSide(side) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to Find the Side
// of the smallest Square that
// can contain given 4 Big Squares
// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.Arrays;
class GFG
// Function to find the maximum of two values
static long max(long a, long b)
    if (a > b)
        return a;
        return b;
// Function to find the smallest side
// of the suitable suitcase
static long smallestSide(long a[])
    // sort array to find the smallest
    // and largest side of suitcases
    long side1, side2, side3, side4,
        side11, side12, sideOfSquare;
    // side of the suitcase will be smallest
    // if they arranged in 2 x 2 way
    // so find all possible sides of that arrangement
    side1 = a[0] + a[3];
    side2 = a[1] + a[2];
    side3 = a[0] + a[1];
    side4 = a[2] + a[3];
    // since suitcase should be square
    // so find maximum of all four side
    side11 = max(side1, side2);
    side12 = max(side3, side4);
    // now find greatest side and
    // that will be the smallest square
    sideOfSquare = max(side11, side12);
    // return the result
    return sideOfSquare;
// Driver program
public static void main(String[] args)
    long side[] = new long[4];
    System.out.println("Test Case 1");
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 2;
    side[1] = 2;
    side[2] = 2;
    side[3] = 2;
    // Find the smallest side
    System.out.println("\nTest Case 2");
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 100000000000000L;
    side[1] = 123450000000000L;
    side[2] = 987650000000000L;
    side[3] = 987654321000000L;
    // Find the smallest side
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


# Python 3 program to Find the Side
# of the smallest Square that 
# can contain given 4 Big Squares
# Function to find the maximum
# of two values
def max(a, b):
    if (a > b):
        return a
        return b
# Function to find the smallest side
# of the suitable suitcase
def smallestSide(a):
    # sort array to find the smallest
    # and largest side of suitcases
    a.sort(reverse = False)
    # side of the suitcase will be
    # smallest if they arranged in
    # 2 x 2 way so find all possible
    # sides of that arrangement
    side1 = a[0] + a[3]
    side2 = a[1] + a[2]
    side3 = a[0] + a[1]
    side4 = a[2] + a[3]
    # since suitcase should be square
    # so find maximum of all four side
    side11 = max(side1, side2)
    side12 = max(side3, side4)
    # now find greatest side and
    # that will be the smallest square
    sideOfSquare = max(side11, side12)
    # return the result
    return sideOfSquare
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    side = [0 for i in range(4)]
    print("Test Case 1")
    # Get the side of the 4
    # small squares
    side[0] = 2
    side[1] = 2
    side[2] = 2
    side[3] = 2
    # Find the smallest side
    print("\n", end = "")
    print("Test Case 2")
    # Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 100000000000000
    side[1] = 123450000000000
    side[2] = 987650000000000
    side[3] = 987654321000000
    # Find the smallest side
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar


// C# program to Find the Side
// of the smallest Square that
// can contain given 4 Big Squares
// Java implementation of the approach
using System;
class GFG
// Function to find the maximum of two values
static long max(long a, long b)
    if (a > b)
        return a;
        return b;
// Function to find the smallest side
// of the suitable suitcase
static long smallestSide(long []a)
    // sort array to find the smallest
    // and largest side of suitcases
    long side1, side2, side3, side4,
        side11, side12, sideOfSquare;
    // side of the suitcase will be smallest
    // if they arranged in 2 x 2 way
    // so find all possible sides of that arrangement
    side1 = a[0] + a[3];
    side2 = a[1] + a[2];
    side3 = a[0] + a[1];
    side4 = a[2] + a[3];
    // since suitcase should be square
    // so find maximum of all four side
    side11 = max(side1, side2);
    side12 = max(side3, side4);
    // now find greatest side and
    // that will be the smallest square
    sideOfSquare = max(side11, side12);
    // return the result
    return sideOfSquare;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    long []side = new long[4];
    Console.WriteLine("Test Case 1");
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 2;
    side[1] = 2;
    side[2] = 2;
    side[3] = 2;
    // Find the smallest side
    Console.WriteLine("\nTest Case 2");
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 100000000000000L;
    side[1] = 123450000000000L;
    side[2] = 987650000000000L;
    side[3] = 987654321000000L;
    // Find the smallest side
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


// PHP program to Find the Side
// of the smallest Square
// that can contain given 4 Big Squares
// Function to find the maximum of two values
function max1($a, $b)
    if ($a > $b)
        return $a;
        return $b;
// Function to find the smallest side
// of the suitable suitcase
function smallestSide($a)
    // sort array to find the smallest
    // and largest side of suitcases
    sort($a, 0);
    // side of the suitcase will be smallest
    // if they arranged in 2 x 2 way
    // so find all possible sides of that arrangement
    $side1 = $a[0] + $a[3];
    $side2 = $a[1] + $a[2];
    $side3 = $a[0] + $a[1];
    $side4 = $a[2] + $a[3];
    // since suitcase should be square
    // so find maximum of all four side
    $side11 = max1($side1, $side2);
    $side12 = max1($side3, $side4);
    // now find greatest side and
    // that will be the smallest square
    $sideOfSquare = max1($side11, $side12);
    // return the result
    return $sideOfSquare;
// Driver program
$side = array();
echo "Test Case 1\n";
// Get the side of the 4 small squares
$side[0] = 2;
$side[1] = 2;
$side[2] = 2;
$side[3] = 2;
// Find the smallest side
echo smallestSide($side) . "\n";
echo "\nTest Case 2\n";
// Get the side of the 4 small squares
$side[0] = 100000000000000;
$side[1] = 123450000000000;
$side[2] = 987650000000000;
$side[3] = 987654321000000;
// Find the smallest side
echo smallestSide($side) . "\n";
// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai


// javascript program to Find the Side
// of the smallest Square that
// can contain given 4 Big Squares<script>
// Function to find the maximum of two values
function max(a , b)
    if (a > b)
        return a;
        return b;
// Function to find the smallest side
// of the suitable suitcase
function smallestSide(a)
    // sort array to find the smallest
    // and largest side of suitcases
    var side1, side2, side3, side4,
        side11, side12, sideOfSquare;
    // side of the suitcase will be smallest
    // if they arranged in 2 x 2 way
    // so find all possible sides of that arrangement
    side1 = a[0] + a[3];
    side2 = a[1] + a[2];
    side3 = a[0] + a[1];
    side4 = a[2] + a[3];
    // since suitcase should be square
    // so find maximum of all four side
    side11 = max(side1, side2);
    side12 = max(side3, side4);
    // now find greatest side and
    // that will be the smallest square
    sideOfSquare = max(side11, side12);
    // return the result
    return sideOfSquare;
// Driver program
    var side = Array.from({length: 4}, (_, i) => 0);
    document.write("Test Case 1<br>");
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 2;
    side[1] = 2;
    side[2] = 2;
    side[3] = 2;
    // Find the smallest side
    document.write("<br>Test Case 2<br>");
    // Get the side of the 4 small squares
    side[0] = 100000000000000;
    side[1] = 123450000000000;
    side[2] = 987650000000000;
    side[3] = 987654321000000;
    // Find the smallest side
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


Test Case 1

Test Case 2


Time Complelxity: O(n log n)
Space Complexity: O(1)

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Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaushttp://wardslaus.com
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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