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HomeData Modelling & AIFind k-th bit in a binary string created by repeated invert and...

Find k-th bit in a binary string created by repeated invert and append operations

You are given an initial string s starting with “0”. The string keeps duplicating as follows. Invert of it is appended to it.

Input :  k = 2
Output : 1
Initially s = "0". 
First Iteration  : s = s + s' = "01"
Second Iteration : s = s + s' = "0110"
The digit at index 2 of s is 1.

Input :  k = 12
Output : 0


1. Naive Approach 
We can build the string s while its length is smaller than or equal to i in the manner mentioned in the problem description and then simply do a lookup of the required index in the string s. 


// C++ program to find k-th bit in a string
// formed by repeated invert and append
// operations.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int printIndexVal(int k, string s)
    while (s.length() <= k) {
        // Building the complement of s
        string t = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
            if (s[i] == '0')
               t += '1';
               t += '0';
        // Appending the complement to form
        // the new string
        s += t;
    // To match return type
    return s[k] - '0';
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    string s = "0";
    int k = 7;
    cout << printIndexVal(k, s) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to find k-th bit in a string
// formed by repeated invert and append
// operations.
class GFG
static int printIndexVal(int k, String s)
    while (s.length() <= k)
        // Building the complement of s
        String t = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
            if (s.charAt(i) == '0')
                t += '1';
                t += '0';
        // Appending the complement to form
        // the new string
        s += t;
    // To match return type
    return s.charAt(k) - '0';
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String s = "0";
    int k = 7;
    System.out.println(printIndexVal(k, s));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python program to find k-th bit in a string
# formed by repeated invert and append
# operations.
def printIndexVal(k, s):
    while (len(s) <= k):
        # Building the complement of s
        t = ""
        for i in range(len(s)):
            if (s[i] == '0'):
                t += '1'
                t += '0'
        # Appending the complement to form
        # the new string
        s += t
    # To match return type
    return ord(s[k]) - ord('0')
# Driver code
s = "0"
k = 7
print(printIndexVal(k, s))
# This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// C# program to find k-th bit in a string
// formed by repeated invert and append
// operations.
using System;
class GFG
static int printIndexVal(int k, String s)
    while (s.Length <= k)
        // Building the complement of s
        String t = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            if (s[i] == '0')
                t += '1';
                t += '0';
        // Appending the complement to form
        // the new string
        s += t;
    // To match return type
    return s[k] - '0';
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String s = "0";
    int k = 7;
    Console.WriteLine(printIndexVal(k, s));
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


// JavaScript program to find k-th bit in a string
// formed by repeated invert and append
// operations.
function printIndexVal(k,s)
    while (s.length <= k)
        // Building the complement of s
        let t = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
            if (s[i] == '0')
                t += '1';
                t += '0';
        // Appending the complement to form
        // the new string
        s += t;
    // To match return type
    return s[k] - '0';
// Driver code
let s = "0";
let k = 7;
document.write(printIndexVal(k, s));
// This code is contributed by rag2127



Time Complexity: O(k log k). 
Better Approach: 
Let’s take a look at a few string constructions: 
1. s = 0 
2. s = 01 
3. s = 0110 
4. s = 01101001 
5. s = 0110100110010110 
Let’s consider finding the bit at position 11 in Line 5. The bit value at this position is effectively the complement of the bit at index 3 in Line 4. So we effectively need to find the complement of the bit at index 3. 
s[11] = ~(s[3]). However we do not know s[3] either. Let’s move ahead. Now s[3] = ~(s[1]) using the same explanation in Line 3. And s[1] = ~(s[0]). However, s[0] is always 0 from the problem statement. 
Plugging these results, 
s[11] = ~(~(~0)) = 1 where ‘~’ is the bitwise NOT operator. 
Now, k was initially 11 which is 1011 in binary. The next value of k was 3 that is 011. Notice how the first set bit has reduced from the original k. Subsequently, the next value of k is 1. Another set bit has reduced. Finally for k = 0, the last set bit has vanished. So for k = 11 which is 1011 in binary, the number of complements are 3, which is incidentally equal to the number of set bits in 11. Now we see for odd number of inversions the final result is 1. We can derive the same reasoning for even number of inversions yielding a final result as 0.
To count the number of set-bits in an integer, refer to this article – Count set bits in an integer.


// C++ program to find k-th bit in a string
// formed by repeated invert and append
// operations.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int printIndexVal(int k)
    // Variable to store set bits
    unsigned long long int c = 0;
    // Count set bits in a binary number
    while (k > 0) {
        k &= (k - 1);
    // Return 1 if number of set bits
    // is odd.
    return c & 1;
// Driver Function
int main()
    int k = 12;
    cout << printIndexVal(k) << endl;


// Java program to find k-th bit in a string
// formed by repeated invert and append
// operations.
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    public static int printIndexVal(int k) {
        // Variable to store set bits
        long c = 0;
        // Count set bits in a binary number
        while (k > 0) {
            k &= (k - 1);
        // Return 1 if number of set bits
        // is odd.
        return (int) (c & 1);
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int k = 12;
// This code is contributed by prince


# Python program to find k-th bit in a string
# formed by repeated invert and append
# operations.
import math
def printIndexVal(k):
    # Variable to store set bits
    c = 0
    # Count set bits in a binary number
    while k > 0:
        k &= (k - 1)
        c += 1
    # Return 1 if number of set bits
    # is odd.
    return c & 1
# Driver Function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    k = 12
# This code is contributed by adityashatmfh


// JavaScript program to find k-th bit in a string
// formed by repeated invert and append
// operations.
function printIndexVal(k)
    // Variable to store set bits
    let c = 0;
    // Count set bits in a binary number
    while (k > 0) {
        k &= (k - 1);
        c += 1;
    // Return 1 if number of set bits
    // is odd.
    return c & 1;
// Driver Function
(function main() {
    const k = 12;


using System;
public class Program {
    // Function to find k-th bit in a string
    // formed by repeated invert and append operations.
    public static int PrintIndexVal(int k)
        // Variable to store set bits
        ulong c = 0;
        // Count set bits in a binary number
        while (k > 0) {
            k &= (k - 1);
        // Return 1 if number of set bits
        // is odd, else return 0.
        return (int)(c & 1);
    // Driver Function
    public static void Main()
        int k = 12;
// This code is contributed by sarojmcy2e



Time Complexity: O(log k)
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