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Python | os.chmod method

os.chmod() method in Python is used to change the mode of path to the numeric mode.


os.chmod(path, mode)

path – path name of the file or directory path
mode – mode may take one of the following values:

  • stat.S_ISUID : Set user ID on execution
  • stat.S_ISGID : Set group ID on execution
  • stat.S_ENFMT : Record locking enforced
  • stat.S_ISVTX : Save text image after execution
  • stat.S_IREAD : Read by owner.
  • stat.S_IWRITE : Write by owner.
  • stat.S_IEXEC : Execute by owner.
  • stat.S_IRWXU : Read, write, and execute by owner
  • stat.S_IRUSR : Read by owner
  • stat.S_IWUSR : Write by owner.
  • stat.S_IXUSR : Execute by owner.
  • stat.S_IRWXG : Read, write, and execute by group
  • stat.S_IRGRP : Read by group
  • stat.S_IWGRP : Write by group
  • stat.S_IXGRP : Execute by group
  • stat.S_IRWXO : Read, write, and execute by others.
  • stat.S_IROTH : Read by others
  • stat.S_IWOTH : Write by others
  • stat.S_IXOTH : Execute by others

Code #1:

# Python program to explain os.chmod() method
# importing necessary libraries
import os, sys, stat
# Set given file read by the owner.
os.chmod("/Geeks/gfg.txt", stat.S_IREAD)
print("File can be read only by owner.")
# Set given file read by others.
os.chmod("/Geeks/gfg.txt", stat.S_IROTH)
print("File access changed, can be read by others now.")


File can be read only by owner.
File access changed, can be read by others now.

Code #2:

# Python program to explain os.chmod() method
# importing necessary libraries
import os, sys, stat
# Set given file written by the owner.
os.chmod("/Geeks/gfg.txt", stat.S_IWRITE)
# Set given file executed by the owner.
os.chmod("/Geeks/gfg.txt", stat.S_IXUSR)
print("File can be written and executed only by owner.")


File can be written and executed only by owner.


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